Thought I'd make a Poll to see how much business has got you in over the years.
So this is an approximate figure of the turn over has gotten you directly, or indirectly (so perhaps the customer saw you here, then clicked on your website, then gave you some work, and mentioned the forum perhaps or something random like that).
And it isn't over any time frame, this is the total approximate over the length of time you've had your forum account here.
And it's just a rough figure we're after.
Results are anonymous. If you reply with the figure, clearly that isn't anonymous.
So this is an approximate figure of the turn over has gotten you directly, or indirectly (so perhaps the customer saw you here, then clicked on your website, then gave you some work, and mentioned the forum perhaps or something random like that).
And it isn't over any time frame, this is the total approximate over the length of time you've had your forum account here.
And it's just a rough figure we're after.
Results are anonymous. If you reply with the figure, clearly that isn't anonymous.