Husqvarna Cutter

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can any one tell me if husgvarnq ts66r rail cutters are any good. or is there another cutter i should be looking at
Re: Husgvarner

i have a rubi dw250lps 240v....abit mad i know with me just starting out ...but i wanted to be prepared for anything that came my way...

thing is not used it yet...🙂 🙂

(wished i'd ordered it when i needed it 🙁 )

Don't rush to get one if you don't need it yet because the delivery time from trade tiler is excellant !
Re: Husgvarner

The dw250n replaces the the dw250lps some extra things added like fixed folding legs and transportation wheels....and better plunge cut facility....
iv got a ts230 f just got this week and its been excelent been pi$$ing through porcelain all week if your after a rail cutter seen one in tops today which looked good it had a sliding bed i think it was about £160
The husqvarna has a good name for wet cutters although at arround £650 they should have as well. Ive tried the dry cutters in the training centre, didnt like them at all, give it to a few of the lads on that course and non of them were impressed, they are supposed to be trying to take on rubi cutters, not as good. The tiles kept breaking wrong, even the rep broke the tiles wrong when doing the demos, bit embarrasing for him
We were introduced to Husqvarna through a former student who declared the cutter the "db"'s Being a Rubi man myself I was sceptical but we put some in the academy alongside the TS60 and CTC660's.The result without prompt was that the husqvarna was crowded the TS and CTC gathered dust. We now sell 470's and 670's over rubi , to be fair ,many of these are to students and to tradesmen who come in and try them out . If you are a rubi fan ,without trying one out ,you are not going to buy one we know this and can live with it .The profile of husqvarna will rise in time as their qualities are known more widely.I appreciate the above is a plug but standing up and saying they are tosh in our opinion deserves a counter view as unlike many tiling tools specialists, we are independent in terms of offering all brands including rubi. We invite anyone to call in and try one out for themselves .Don't be put off by anyone until you've had a go yourself .

We have never been embarassed by a husky.
Ive recently been on a tiling course at yorkshire tiling academy, whilst on the course i used a Husqvarna 670 dry cutter. This cutter was better for cutting tiles compared to the Rubis that they had. This is due to the whole length of the cutter putting pressure down the full length of the tile not just on one point. I would reccomend the Husqvarna cutter

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