If she's trying to rip you she won't budge,easy to say be calm but when you know someone is purposely trying to rip you it's sometimes hard to keep one's cool,tell her to pay for your material or your taking it back,then systematically,but calmly start popping
tile,I'm sure she might come to some sort of an arrangement,yeah,yeah,Dan,Dave,and a few others,I can hear you across the pond,"fault,fault,unprofessional"yeah maybe,but there's more at stake when someones blatenly ripping you off,like integrity,if you walk away from that calmly you can bet you'll be the smiles and chuckles at teatime,A
tile supply guy in town tried to rip me off once and it was his design that was at fault not my tiling,but I'd forewarned him that 20 inch
tile would look good in a bathroom where the wall to tub was only 32 inch,but he said that's the way he wanted it,when the customer didn't like it he refused to pay me so I had to make a scene,a big scene(remember I've got 8 kids to feed)but I was ready to drop him in front of a store full of customers but the cops came in and "calmed"things down,I live in a fairly small town and have a good reputation so this guy ended up losing way more than if he would have payed me,it wasn't the first time he'd pulled this on a setter,no one had ever called him on it,I put the leins on the property but time goes on and sometimes you have to cut your losses,like I said his losses and reputation took a big hit ,but to each their own,good luck,don't worry about calm,keep your integrity and reputation in check,that's what will land you the jobs,Mike:incazzato: