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Just Rizzle

106 days to go, and I don't know about you, im sick all ready.
how are u guys thinking about it .
the European union, in or out.
me personally im out, its the most corrupt organisation in the world outside the mafia. and hasn't had its books signed off by the auditors in 20 yrs.
when we joined it was the common market not the political monstrosity it is now

Rizzle from the Portizzle

www. the world changed that day by the way that stands for world wide web not eu wide web .we now live in a world of change going at the speed of light .with the eu going at 1/10 of a snails pace .1 year and a million + on a full scale raiding party .and still no answers the eu incompetece is out standing . can you trust them thats all you need to ask your self.if no out/ if yes then in /its a once only choice realy it is to get out /but are they realy going to not let the 5 biggest econamy in world back in .55million a day in subs plus the anti dumping duty they take through the back door 10 million a day .will our cost of living go up i think it will go down big time .3 million sending money out of the uk every day .again you need to ask just one question do you trust the eu to look after you and your grandchildren .so far rape of the uk is all they no

Rizzle from the Portizzle

undecided , the vast majority of scotland will probably be in..
all depends on how the media play it, in the end they will decide for us by biased press.
might be worth going to the fish market to get the answers for you or why not go to the funral of a small scale farmer who just topped himself .go back 40 years whats not there anymore and try to rember only the eu has band all help as its unconpedtive .look at your fishing fleet rusting away dead farmer and i am sure you now more than me eu has taken that and more

dave l and l

that's a,bit unfounded. Plus we are not the be all and end all. Keep in mind that there is about 2500 rufugees out of half a million waiting at Calais. Hardly a massive percentage. Also there are benefit systems that pay more and house people in Europe. I dont have a problem with people leaving a war torn country to escape being murdered. Should be more compassion in this world. Regarding fish qoutas and farming I will do my research.. I am swerving towards out. Bud that's mostly down to my immense dislike of David Cameron

Rizzle from the Portizzle

that's a,bit unfounded. Plus we are not the be all and end all. Keep in mind that there is about 2500 rufugees out of half a million waiting at Calais. Hardly a massive percentage. Also there are benefit systems that pay more and house people in Europe. I dont have a problem with people leaving a war torn country to escape being murdered. Should be more compassion in this world. Regarding fish qoutas and farming I will do my research.. I am swerving towards out. Bud that's mostly down to my immense dislike of David Cameron
dig a little deeper and you will find why hr johnson moved there factory to itail why the uk tiling manafactor went down the drain they never got any grants from the eu only tax dig even deeper and find how the eu paid millions to there car makers .while ours were staved to death.dig a little deeper how our farmer were paid not to use there fields so they could get more for there veg look even deeper and find before the eu we could produce 90% food now its down to 60% and falling .when you stop digging put the eu in and fill the hole .ps make a little
time and go to france and look at the war graves .not one of them run away .

dave l and l

I will look into everything you said apart from the France comment about running away. Its so easy to say stand and fight. But you need a unilateral front to do that. The people are getting bombed by us and killed terrorists on the ground. And do you have any idea how difficult it would be to form an army to start fighting. The people running away are not trained soldiers they are ordinary people trying to save there families. Wonder what it is going to take to get people to sympathise. Another holoucost or Rwanda maybe.

Rizzle from the Portizzle

I will look into everything you said apart from the France comment about running away. Its so easy to say stand and fight. But you need a unilateral front to do that. The people are getting bombed by us and killed terrorists on the ground. And do you have any idea how difficult it would be to form an army to start fighting. The people running away are not trained soldiers they are ordinary people trying to save there families. Wonder what it is going to take to get people to sympathise. Another holoucost or Rwanda maybe.
train them and send them back only they can change there future not us

Just Rizzle

dig a little deeper and you will find why hr johnson moved there factory to itail why the uk tiling manafactor went down the drain they never got any grants from the eu only tax dig even deeper and find how the eu paid millions to there car makers .while ours were staved to death.dig a little deeper how our farmer were paid not to use there fields so they could get more for there veg look even deeper and find before the eu we could produce 90% food now its down to 60% and falling .when you stop digging put the eu in and fill the hole .ps make a little
time and go to france and look at the war graves .not one of them run away .
ive been to the fields around the somme.theres battle fields that have never changed since the fighting stopped 100 yrs ago you can still see the shell holes to day and the massive holes were the mines blow every thing to smitherines.
as a lad I used to talk to my grand fathers who survived these atrocities both served in the DLI REGIMENT and both used to say hope fully lad you will never have to go through what we went through and thankfull I haven't.


We pay £55m per day to EU, we get back £22m per day from EU for farming, building projects etc, wich means
we pay £33m per day to EU. Divide 33m by the population of the UK and for one days payment, each & every person in the UK could have £500,000, that would be a nice pension pot.
Watched the PM c-moron say we would be safer in EU, don't forget 1982 Falklands war, France selling
exocet missiles to Argentina. Could go on & on, will vote to leave & will have a bottle of bubbly if we do.

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