Hello. To introduce myself I've done a bit of tiling before so have a novice's understanding of what's needed. However recently been brought more up to speed with all the mishaps on the job so far. The latest being - and here's where I need help - smudging damp looking stains on un sealed honed limestone floor tiles. A tile shop that should have known better suggested I put a LTP primer on the tiles before sealing. When I put it on I noticed it was just sitting on the surface and not sinking in. Thought this odd. I called LTP and they said I shouldn't have done this and I should take it off. They first suggested Grimex. When that didn't do it effectively they said to use Solvex. That was far more effective.Trouble was I ran out before finishing the stripping. Not wanting to wait the weekend for another delivery I bought what I thought was an equivalent stripper called Wax Off made by Lithofin. This didn't work nearly as well, though with a lot of scrubbing did get the primer off. After rinsing it all off I let it dry. Once dry there were damp looking stains around the edges of some of the tiles. LTP suggested using more Solvex on these tiles as they suggested some of he primer might not have disolved. Then rinse it off. I've been doing this but the stains are persisting.
Can anyone good folk out there suggest a solution other than taking up the tiles? Which I've had to do already due to another problem. Is bleaching an option?
Can anyone good folk out there suggest a solution other than taking up the tiles? Which I've had to do already due to another problem. Is bleaching an option?