Its like when people say they have seen a ghost and it spoke to them..........?
Without a voice box or the muscles to use it...........:lol::lol::lol:
day 9 Dan and I dont even think about smoking now, my sense of humours coming back too
That means you'd be smelling like heaven now not like hell 🙂
LOL , I have been told I dont stink like an old ashtray now, which is just as well as my sense of smell has returned. the smell of smoke makes me feel sick now so I sympathise with all the non smokers in my life. I had no idea how awfull the smell is. we were out shopping and I couldnt believe how many dirty smelly people there are about. I was going to throw bars of soap into their trollies when they werent looking but chelle wouldnt let me
Wonderful :lol: Seriously, I am really really chuffed about this, and I bet so is Chelle, well done, well done
Dan, are you next? 🙂
I think I could be G yeah.
Dinner Jacket?????God is a DJ