The reality is for traditional businesses to survive in the currently accepted (Historical) model that's what's needed, unpalatable as it may be. Yet the man you're berating is actually trying to give the Government advice on how to change this.
He is also the only person stepping up when it hits the fan to take on these failing companies as their prehistoric business models drive them to bankruptcy.
So until the powers that be start to grasp how much poo these businesses are in and why, I'm sure the thousands of employees that have retained jobs would more than likely prefer zero hour contracts than no job at all.
Watch the above video without prejudice if you can. Take a step back and consider the questions and reasoning the panel are putting to Mike Ashley. Then realise it's these people on the panel and people like them that are running the country and deciding what works. You'll then understand why we're in the mess we are.
They are on the whole, clueless civil servants that haven't done real days work in their life or have one iota of business sense.
Couldn't agree more Alan
The panel were dinosaurs living in the past
You could see his frustration when answering the questions. He didn't give them the answers they wanted to hear i.e. running things their way.