Iraq Inquiry

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I see that 'Teflon' Tony is up in front of the Iraq Inquiry today - How refreshing it would be to see him get roasted!

We all know what will happen though - He'll turn on the smarm, avoid answering any direct questions in true politicians style and walk out with a smug grin all over his face....

And the result of this inquiry will be..... a bill for hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions, that the tax payer has to pay for! :mad2:

What a bunch of muppets, Give me strength....

Oh well rant over - Feeling better now.:8:
Thats only if you think it was an illegal war, some of us dont.

lets be honest here britain and america went to war to overthrow a pyschotic tyrant who was responsible for mass genocide,now that the tyrant has been done away with(literally)the country is in turmoil,you have those who oppossed sadam wanting to start a fresh and re-build there lives with the help of the armed forces who are willing to help and you have the insurgents/millitia/lunatics or whatever you want to call them,these are gus who had it cosha under a dictators regime and want to disrupt every chance of peace they have in hope the country will return to its old ways,it also doesn't help when you have extremists like bin laden mixing it up with already confused people and creating more chaos!

so you tell me! did britain really have to step in and liberate millions of innocent people who existed in a state of fear and manipulation?

just my opinion!
At last, someone who actually takes the time to read up and get educated on a subject before rushing in and saying it was wrong just because the woman in the shop buying her milk and papers said so.

My original post wasn't so much questioning the legality or morals for actually going to war but more the complete waste of time that the Iraq Inquiry is spending in trying to get anything to stick to Mr. Blair, or in fact anyone.

Do I think the war was justified or legal? Well, when is war ever 'legal', one side always thinks its being picked on and the other insists it has good motives so that side of it is kind of irrelevent. I think one way or another we'd have got involved at some point anyway for the reasons David Campbell mentions. Sadam was such a tyrant that he would have carried on until he was stopped so I suggest on moral/humanitarian grounds that it was perfectly justified.

What I dislike is that the inquiry is taking place at all. I do not like Blair - or in fact the labour goverment - who seems to be excelling at taking the 'great' out of Great Britain but if public and inquiry thinks it's going to get any former leader to admitt he was wrong then I fear all shall be rather disappointed, and we'll just pick up the bill.... just my opinion.
the problem is we where lied to over the womd blair sided with bush stating the fact they where there and would be found and destroyed when we all know now none where found i think to overthrow a tirent is a good enough reason but this is not done in other countries were america and britain take a step back and watch the atrosities happen but then them coutries dont have anything worth fighting for (oil) lives mean nothing to these people money talks i am not against these wars but lets be fair and squash all tirany sorry for going on lads & girls :incazzato:
iraq was the easy option for america and the uk to get a foothold and a presence in the middle east,,look at iran right next door with nucleur arms being built, this war had nothing to do with saddam having nucleur weapons
iraq was the easy option for america and the uk to get a foothold and a presence in the middle east,,look at iran right next door with nucleur arms being built, this war had nothing to do with saddam having nucleur weapons

but that was the reason they needed to invade the country and oust sadam,other countries have dictators and albeit the super powers leave them alone due to the fact they are not wiping out 100's of 1000's of people due to there religious points of view,which he had been doing for about 20 years
iraq was the easy option for america and the uk to get a foothold and a presence in the middle east,,look at iran right next door with nucleur arms being built, this war had nothing to do with saddam having nucleur weapons

They will probably be next ?
lets be honest here britain and america went to war to overthrow a pyschotic tyrant who was responsible for mass genocide,now that the tyrant has been done away with(literally)the country is in turmoil,you have those who oppossed sadam wanting to start a fresh and re-build there lives with the help of the armed forces who are willing to help and you have the insurgents/millitia/lunatics or whatever you want to call them,these are gus who had it cosha under a dictators regime and want to disrupt every chance of peace they have in hope the country will return to its old ways,it also doesn't help when you have extremists like bin laden mixing it up with already confused people and creating more chaos!

so you tell me! did britain really have to step in and liberate millions of innocent people who existed in a state of fear and manipulation?

just my opinion!

Bravo!! :thumbsup:

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