You are right Mark, it does contain Chromium. The OPC itself contains CrVI & only 30-60% of OPC is contained in cement based adhesives & grouts. Grey adhesives & grouts contain a reducing agent in them to ensure that the CrVI content of the adhesive remains below 2ppm during the defined shelf life of the product. CrIII & CrVI are your irritants. The main reason why Cr VI is so toxic is that one of the reduction products of Cr VI is Cr V. Chromium V is a carcinogen. It will lodge in any tissue to form cancerous growths.
Next well need "Cr" logos on the back of our vans lol
Don't start with that Chromium crap, I got enough to deal with, I can't deal with any more obscure 'stuff' in adhesives and sealers. If that goes in they will be wanting the lads to wear respirators.
You mean you haven't issued respirators with their tool kits!!!
If the Spanish still had a building industry I wonder if they would be in shorts and swinging from the ceiling props. European law only affects us.