White Room
Why do they do that:yikes:
hi all
Got a call on saturday evening from a lady asking me to measure and quote for her bathroom wallsshe had got my number from a previous customer of mine and was extremely impressed with the standard of my work
. No problem i said i can call Monday evening after work.
fantastic she said i'll have the kettle on
Got another call late sunday evening (10.30) to be precise to ask if i could possibly call on Tuesday instead as they had had a flood in the bathroom:yikes: when her husband had removed the bath panel he found the waste pipe still in its plastic bag under the bath:yikes::yikes: so a full bath of water went straight on to the floor under the bath:yikes: luckily it is a bungalow so only damage down stairs. They were having the plumber back on monday to explain why he had not fitted it.
No probs i said Tuesday will be fine.
Got a call this afternoon saying very sorry for messing about but while the plumber was there fitting the waste pipe he had forgot to fit he mentioned that he can also tile but didnt bother to take photos of his work as it wasnt his proper trade, so they had decided to have him tile the bathroom and wouldn't be needing me to quote:yikes::yikes: