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Redbacks pads in knee pockets
For, Lightweight honeycomb texture. Very comfy and pre curved to fit the knee, Fills the knee pockets on my trousers perfectly and no twisting out of shape. So far they haven’t lost any shape either. Very good value
Against, actually non at the moment apart from the fact that when using any pad in knee pocket type you will have the wear on the outside of the trousers to worry about. Most good work trousers of this type do have stronger material on the knees to help but that’s another story.

So following Big Lumps advice i went and brought a pair of Rednecks and they are v v good so good that i just leave them by my dry cutter and kneel on them when using it


Oh man.
I've recently bought and have been using today the ALPRO RED Knee Pads.
They are amazing.
So comfortable, what a joy.
My plumber mate saw them (previously addicted to running, had to give it up due to his knackered knees) and after he had finished taking the ( REMOVED ) out of how they looked he tried them on - he was impressed.
So comfy - worth the cost.
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I use foam inserts and they last about 6 months, looking at the redbacks or snickers beanbags. I get patella tendonitis (years and years of cricket and then a working life on my knees. Used kneeling pads for a few years, cheap and decent but if you used it on a porous floor and it was a little damp it would leave a little pattern which needed to be polished out. Good thread. ta.


tried allsorts of knee pads, nailors, allpro, platinum etc all wear out fast, i have psoriasis and my knee hurt like hell with the allpro. currently have a nailors and irwins but decided to take the plunge and splash out on these bad boys Contractor Knee Pads that Prevent Knee Injury by Proknee,
i will be getting keyhole surgury on both knees early next year and i figure if i want to continue working i had better get something that works, its all good trying to get by, be cheap or just plain stupid but time catches up and can really mess your life up if you screw your knee up you cant work...simple really.
these pads i have been looking at for a few years and i have a few friends who use them and they say they are the best tool they ever bought.


When I lived in Mother England work trousers were worn out jeans and knee pads were for fairies. But when I moved to Norway I noticed all tradesmen (and women) (should I say tradesperson? Not gone P.C in Norway. Yet.) were wearing purpose made work trousers with knee pockets for knee pads. My new boss took one look at me in my knackered levis and took me to a builders yard and bought me a pair of carpenters trousers (snickers or blaklader can't remember) and with it, knee pads. Well talk about a revelation. Got back to work, dropped to my knees to start setting out a floor, couldn't believe I'd worked so many years on bare knees. It was like kneeling on feathers, haven't looked back since. Was given a good tip, whatever brand of trousers you get, get same brand knee pads to fit trousers. Some people use their old ones or go for cheapest ones, if they don't fit snug you won't land on them when you drop to your knees.

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