Large format popped around edges

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Yes laitence was removed. This is the primer we used.

Usually the tiler says which adhesive to use and knows which primer was used before the question has been asked.
60 days is in no way a guarantee that the screed is ready for Tiling.
Was it force dried with ufh?
How many coats of primer were used and to what dilution?
Tiling an anhydride screed with cementitious adhesive requires an in-depth knowledge, and is not something to be taken lightly.
Sounds like tile supplier needs to do more research.
I’m in no way suggesting that it’s all the fault of the supplier either.
The tiler could be just as much at fault.
The installation technique isn’t going to win any awards either.
If these are 12mm pieces, how can you tell they’ve de-bonded around the tile perimeter exactly?
Sorry if it seems a dumb question, it’s not something I’ve come across before, only lifting around edges.
What first alerted you to it, how did it present?
Are you saying the tile itself was con-caved or
If they were con-caved, installation techniques would have added to the problem for sure, as well as less than favourable materials, it wouldn’t have made this a standard install.

With the industry moving more and more in the direction of extra large format tiles, a lot more education needs to take place, and that applies to right across the building industry, not just installers.
And retailers need to get their act together too, just selling this stuff isn’t good enough any more.
Need photos of this phenomenon ......not seen anything like as described so it could be that the description is wrong.
I'm the contractor. We can tell because we removed the grout on a couple and tried to lift them and they were stuck fast. I'm not really trying to point the finger at the supplier I just don't want it to happen again. And for the reason you mentioned above I would assume we will be fitting a lot more of this type of floor in the future. They were concaved a level would rock over the edges. All tiles were the same. I first noticed couple of joints cracking but now they are terrible and it seems some of the tiles have straightened out when I put a level across them. That's impossible for a porcelain tile to do right?


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