Old Mod
absolutely right Ali they do. The warm up single wire did (think it was about 25mm gaffer like tape) til they released their pro-wire, which doesn't. Double sided tape and skrim overlay. And the one I referred to earlier, although wasn't warm up it should've been installed the same way. Double sided tape laid two strips either end to hold loop (Loops spaced at 90-110mm I think) and more spaced every 500mm then overlayed with single sided tape. I prefer the single wire all day long.Ive neverfound an SLC that will bond to gaffa/duct tape. Another reason I use loosewire (especially Warmups) is the doublesided tape and scrim tape is a brilliant method.
One thing I have to mention 3_fall is some older and current loose wire systems used to fixed with a conductive tape along the whole wire. Some of the older warmup ones used to installed this way.
Still don't think SLC or addy bonded to it though!