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We have been using the tradetiler lashing clips for some time and they are really usefull especially if you are working with ultra large format (1200x900) tiles which often arent actually flat as you can use the clips to bend the tiles to your will though we do use latex plus in the Mapei adhesive to make sure it doesnt bend back later :)
We went to a trade day at Mapei a couple of weeks ago and the Rubi rep showed us the Rubi tile leveling system...I'm afraid we werent impressed, the system simply didn't work. The clips kept snapping when you squeesed the tool hard enough to level the lipping tiles and these were just little 300x300x8mm porcelain!
I haven't tried the Raimondi system yet as I think its a little rich designing it to have a wall and a floor system so you have to buy two different setting tools...that just greedy.


IMO, these lash systems will always give you perfect results on the surface no matter how un even the sub floor is, however if proper prep work is not carried out then we simply create voids everywhere witch will result in failure! How flat do the manufacturers recommend the sub floor be to use these correctly? This is what we must ask because if they are recommending it be spot on then whats the point in a leveling system?

Think about it, Its called a leveling system and they recommend you use it on sub floors that are near perfect! If this is the case then it does nothing!


I am for the first time using the lash clips on a job I'm still currently doing, 2500sq of 24" by 48" porcelain tile installed on a subway pattern. For this size tile the lash clips really do work and does speed up the installation. My fingers are really sore from pressing the wedge into the clip. The floor really has to be a flat surface for the system to work as it is stated on the lash clip package. The lash clip is rounded at the bottom which keeps the tile higher off the floor reducing the contact of the tile, you won't get full contact on tile but just enough contact. It does take sometime to get the hang of it. The clips are easily removed by kicking the clips. I can see a big advantage on installing large format tile on walls using the lash system. I think the Raimondi clips might be better as they are not available in my area. After watching a video on their web site their clips are flat at the bottom which will give you better tile contact. They have tool that squeezes the wedge into the clip which means you won't have sore fingers.


What amazes me still is that you all wait for another tiler to take the plunge and try it in fear of something terrible happening. feedback is posted by the 'brave' fixer and an opinion is formed from there by each of you as to weather you try the new product yourself or not.

But you all have your own minds and create your own opinion from the feedback which means your fixing methods and practices surely must all be different (and from the fixers I talk to, every single one is unique in terms of thought and fixing practice)

You should all give them a try and form your own opinions from them as every single one of you are unique and have your own ways to do the job, not just on the levelling systems but on every tool/adhesive/accessory on the market designed to help you. Manufacturers do not spend hours and millions on trying to rip you off and try tell you that you are not a professional fixer, they genuinley want to help you make the good job you do easier and quicker.

Manufacturers want to work closer to fixers to get their opinion and feedback and yes, sometimes the benefit of this to the fixer is to provide free of charge samples when the product is in its concept stage to help the review process but we really want to get it right so that when it hits the market it is a success (In the terms that you accept its benefit and when you use it it enhances your job in either the process or finish of it) It still has to be said that the only products that have hit the market and are used by 100% of tilers who accept the products use and do not have an issue with it are tiles, adhesive and grout... I still speak to tilers who refuse to use spacers!

Lets all make this wonderful industry we all love and work in a little closer and talk to each other some more. Fixers, feel free to talk to me on new products and concepts because I would love to speak to you all more. My company has so many new products coming out at the moment and concept products we need your opinions on it is almost vital I speak to fixers evey day.

I look forward to hearing from you in the future. Please do keep an open mind and try them yourself. If you need anything, please message me.


That's a nice balanced post there Lukepadams!
I for one have championed Lash Clips, they are really useful on the right job. I've explained why enough times so i won't here.
It is amazing how people get about their methods and tools etc, very blinkered. To mention Lash Clips to some people is taken the same as saying they can't tile, which no one is saying. These clips on the right job such as large format just give you that extra bit of help and turn a good floor laid correctly into a superb floor, these are and never have been a substitute for poor fixing.
I can't remember which shop i was in but they stocked lash clips, i said how good they were and they just laughed at me and said: "can tile, i don't need them', but they sold them and hadn't even tried them!!!. i walked out the shop smiling, as obviously i couldn't tile cus i use Lash Clips sometimes.
Anything that comes along that looks like it's going to help me in my job that i spend around a third of each day doing, i look into, and buying a bag of lash clips isn't going to break the bank!!!
It's the same with any tools the big rail cutter debate, if it works, look into it and get your own opinion, why sit there saying never, when you could be making your day a whole lot easier and doing a better job.

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