Let's see pics of your tile cutter..

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never seen one of these over here looks a bit like a tr 400 i've still got my little rubi 300 one of the first in the country(nz) got it about 27 years ago. i still use it for little splashback tiles. i keep it clean and well oiled.can cut a 10mm johnson slivers believe it or not.its really good to see some pride and respect for your tools guys:thumbsup:
now that i think of it i remember one job i was laying 500 x 500 ceramic yes large formats get imported into nz from asia and sell supercheap quality not that good but people still buy them, these particular ones were $12nzd pm2 anyway i managed to ping off with my nippers a full length an 8mm sliver offcut. i would like to here about anything that can beat that (only out of interest) and how they managed it and what cutter they used.might add to the debate with sigma v rubi.what do you think guys any takers.lets see what you can do:8:

New clipper wet saw, Tomecanic Supercoup, owned them all at some point Sigma, Rubi, Felker Husquarva & Montolit, this is the daddy!
Here's just two of mine, not great pics but Iv only just tapatalk so trying things out, lol.


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