its the ts 60 that I have used in the past very good cutter 😉 would preffer a sigma but as Charlie stated in another post I only need enough to tackle the smaller jobs for now so would easily settle for a rubi 😉
thanks for the opinion mate I think that one is a little too small I want my smaller cutter to be something like a 60cm cutter and then a huge sigma in the future lol. I will think about that though lets see what mr stef offer up[😉 cheers sm
Dont you think a 60 would be a little too big to do 200x100 tiles for a splash back? Im sure we all got small cutters for these splash backs. I got a ts40+ montolit 63cm and now sigma 1020. Whats the largest tile you have fixed?
largest too date is 300x450 (I think)... I do know what you mean with having a little cutter but budget wont allow me to fit in 2 cutters so for now I want a cutter for small and mid sized tiles. i have also done a full kitchen and toilet with my 600 cutter with 150x150 tiles and although it can be a pain in the tight spaces i seem to cope ok with it its just the fact that its not a good cutter at all.