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Due to her tenacity and sheer dedication I think Minnie should receive an Honorary admittance as a dedicated DIY'er at tiling. I think even though she has finished her bathroom she will stay around and give good vibes.

seems like a good idea!
she's been good company and done really well along the way:thumbsup:
Deffo should give a special tag for her 'persistance' and as Dom says, good vibes. Kept us entertained and pulling our hair out at the same time!
do you mean into "The Arms"? Dom

Would she be allowed in there Doug? With the pricing that goes on etc.
I just think she showed a lot of interest and might be a good example to others that have similar problems but think they cant do the job themselves.

Initial thoughts to this was NO !
But, thinking about it I feel maybe a tag along the lines of " Enthusiastic DIYer" could be good for image a along with a new room made for anyone DIYer who comes along and seeks advice ( and takes it).
I dont think the tag given should give them access to anything other than what they have now.

So to do it,
1,think of a tag ?
2, Make a room for DIYer projects ( piccies for Dave)
3, Get the mentioned DIYer to leave feedback for TilersForums.
I think you have already got the tag Neale, "Enthusiastic DIY'er". The room might be called "Mission accomplished"
As for feedback, Minnie wrote the book on that.

I recall somebody else arrived here as an enthusiastic diyer last christmas *cough*


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