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:welcome:Back Andy - That's what we are here for!
If its all a concrete floor scrape off as much bitumen adhesive as possible, prime with SBR and overscreed with a self levelling compound.
What tile are you fixing and what adhesives are you using.
Have fun.
:welcome:Back Andy - That's what we are here for!
If its all a concrete floor scrape off as much bitumen adhesive as possible, prime with SBR and overscreed with a self levelling compound.
What tile are you fixing and what adhesives are you using.
Have fun.

Its just a cheap spanish ceramic tile and i haven't bought the adhesive yet as the tile shop i use said they didn't sell any adhesive that will stick to bitumen.

Get as much of the black stuff up as you can. If you can get Benfer adhesive, I'm pretty sure that it says on the bag of Benfer Flex that you can tile onto Bitumen provided you prime neat with an acrylic primer.
If you use Acrylic over bitumen you need to make certain it is the correct type of co-polymer. If not it may not prevent leeching and subsequent staining. Additionally it may cause problems with some adhesives. I think you would be safer scraping as much off as you can (a heat gun may help or you could buy a bitumen stripper) and then prime with an SBR possibly with a cement slurry or an Epoxy primer and a levelling compound. Cement or Gypsum based levellers are fine over properly primed bitumen. Alternatively you could uncouple using ditra or similar.


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