Name your poison on a fine saturday night.

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Beer fest..:drool5::drool5::drool5:

Yup 25-27 Feb (Thu-Sat) Bradford Beer Festival - CAMRA

Oh and did i mention my mate is in charge of the Victoria Hall where it will be held :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:
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Red wine for me tonite with becks for afters and plenty of it to i need a good drink :8:
I have been trying to keep fit, so been running 3 times a week, been off the beer for two weeks...Had a hard day today, wife working all night (No she isnt on the game) She is a Madwife...No i mean midwife..So i have cooked myself a chicken madras, and got 4 bottle of Spitfire a local ale..:thumbsup:
first time, first love, oh what feeling is this
electricity flows like the very first kiss

Proper hangover stuff....:dizzy2:
I don't get or never have got hangovers you know. It proper annoys the Mrs who gets one after a glass of wine. I have to have had a really rough weekend to feel rough and when I do it's not a hangover it's more feeling drunk still and not being able to make breaky or anything.

I was told when I was younger that they'd come eventually but I'm still waiting. lol
I used to be like that... but not now...:incazzato:... i could supp like hell then go out the next day.. not now.. proper dying if i go over board too much...

20 cans kills me now..:thumbsdown:
tea for another 37 days of this lent thing...the missus said she was giving up chocolate for lent (dont know why, shes a size 8!!!) , so i said i'd ban the beer for a bit of moral support...i'm like enduro at the moment, on my training regime lol so its not too bad ishhhh...
I thought about a few weeks off it, then thought better, I might do it ( again ) soon though, for now though, 10 pints looming :yikes:


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