negative feedback

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I am not trying to be nasty and I am not against peoplebeing trained quite the opposite. I am being honest about the situation. Youwant to pick it up quickly so that you can start earning some good money butfor that to happen the person teaching you has to put in a considerable amountof effort and at the end of the day what has he got out of the deal ????????? You onthe other hand walk away with priceless knowledge and experience. I havetrained a lot of tilers over the years and I have never asked anyone to workfor free but I have never come across a man with a family that can commit tothe time it will take for me to recoup my investment so I have always lost outon the deal
Completely understand. I did 18 month 30 with no commitments,and most def,not a pee taker.but i do get where u r coming from.if someone taught me I'd never forget it.and would preferably stick with them. If I were to work for free for 3 months,then I would hope to become.e more of an assett over time so as their time spent teaching would also eventually benefit I wouldn't try and rush the situation,mostly mixing ,etc.trying to drum up business,basicly trying to be an assett rather than a I'd commit financially with tools and wheels. But yeah I get you're point,its a leap of faith,which bis why I think a trainee tiler shouldn't really expect payment,initially anyway.
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I agree and a good wall makes a good job

Skimmers just skim, proper plasters level walls rather than flatten out of true walls,
mixing up really is a pleasure i love it... for the first minute lol. i do it by hand atm as i am trying to get more essential tools i know a mixer is timesaving but i would like to do it the old skool way until i can join a gym lol
but a mechanical whisk mixes the polymers in the adhesive far better than mixing by hand, imo a whisk/drill is an essential ​piece of kit.


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