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Because I did a level 2 mickey mouse diploma,...sorry that was level 2 city & guilds diploma,I can call myself qualified.hilarious really.the thing I'd threat about is quoting.I don't have a clue:thumbsup:
When and where did you do your MM/C&G Diploma????????
and you passed ??

I sure did,with distinction.year one we were with plastering group doing a bit of render,screed,skim...year two was tile basicly their was a syllabus to work to and it wasn't testing.we had a bay had to do a star pattern,a wave and an arch with diamond infill ,plus tile the floor.way too much unessential classroom learning,about other trade procedures,such as scaffold etc.basicly health and wasn't the colleges fault they were just working to a script.i left feeling more confident about rendering, skimming. It is basicly a trade you have to learn on the job.,it can not be replicated in college.
I sure did,with distinction.year one we were with plastering group doing a bit of render,screed,skim...year two was tile basicly their was a syllabus to work to and it wasn't testing.we had a bay had to do a star pattern,a wave and an arch with diamond infill ,plus tile the floor.way too much unessential classroom learning,about other trade procedures,such as scaffold etc.basicly health and wasn't the colleges fault they were just working to a script.i left feeling more confident about rendering, skimming. It is basicly a trade you have to learn on the job.,it can not be replicated in college.

That's good they gave a understanding of plastering I think, because I find doing my own bonding filling skimming handy instead of waiting for someone else and also I know it's flat.
Yeah,I think they only started to do it shortly before my course,it was good and I can defo see how it would be handy...I think my problem is being on here you read posts on all sorts of issues,and think... I didn't cover this,tiling is seriously involved.ufh,stone treatment,different substrates,the list is endless.been a while since course and gave up trying to get an employer...but going to give it another crack
Not a plasterer myself but I'd strongly believe the knowledge and insight into plastering makes for a better tiler than say a brickie or a joiner. An opinion might I add and I know not everyone will agree lol, tbut I'm speaking from 25 odd years of being around sites and various converts to tiling.
I sure did,with distinction.year one we were with plastering group doing a bit of render,screed,skim...year two was tile basicly their was a syllabus to work to and it wasn't testing.we had a bay had to do a star pattern,a wave and an arch with diamond infill ,plus tile the floor.way too much unessential classroom learning,about other trade procedures,such as scaffold etc.basicly health and wasn't the colleges fault they were just working to a script.i left feeling more confident about rendering, skimming. It is basicly a trade you have to learn on the job.,it can not be replicated in college.
Ok so you got a distinction but you admit you don’t have aclue when it comes to quoting for work. So how did you get a distinction as part of the diploma is Knowledge of information, quantities and communicatingwith others
Unit Reference Number H/501/7313
Learning Outcome - The learner will: Assessment Criterion - The learner can:
Know how to interpret building information.
State why documentation must be looked after and storedcorrectly.
Identify basic symbols from working drawings.
Identify the appropriate scale to be used with a range ofdrawings.
Select information from basic location drawings andspecifications.
Select information from basic work schedules in general use.
Know how to determine quantities of materials.
State the methods used to calculate basic materialquantities.
Know how to relay information in the workplace.
List the basic requirements for recording a message.
State the relevant information used to ensure thatcommunication is clear and understandable.
State what is meant by positive and negative communication.
State the benefits of clear and effective communication.

This is the Knowledge you should have and this is level 1

Information, quantities and communicating with others
Learning Outcome - The learner will: Assessment Criterion - The learner can:
Be able to interpret building information.
Use basic working drawings to interpret buildinginformation.
Use basic generic types of programmes of work and workschedules that are in general use.
Prepare basic outline drawings to scale.
Use a scale ruler for transferring simple measurements.
Be able to determine quantities of materials.
Select appropriate resources to work out calculations.
Calculate the area of basic shapes.
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division toestimate material quantities.
Be able to relay information in the workplace.
Communicate effectively with colleagues and others whenrelaying information.
Use a range of communication methods when relayinginformation to colleagues and others.
State what is meant by positive and negative communication.
State the benefits of clear and effective communication.

These are the tasks you should be able to perform and for a distinction I would expect you to do it standing on your head.

It winds me up when people have a pop at the qualificationsand then say but it’s not the colleges or the lecturer’s fault they are toldwhat to say. Well they are not they are given the unit broken down as above andthey decide on a lesson plan. If the content of the lesson is rubbish and you don’tlearn anything from it or if it is irrelevant that is down to the lecturer notthe qualification so IMHO if you did not cover the criteria and you got adistinction your lecturer was not only incompetent he was also corrupt.
Basicly it's like this we did a computer test which I aced, it wasn't really about tiling as such.some questions where totally irrelevant.I didn't want to slag of the tutor but yeah It was poor but I've got nothing to compare it too,maybe I was unlucky


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