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Hi all,

I've got someone doing my bathroom and yesterday they finished tiling. I've been going through the result and I'm not impressed with the quality.

Can you have a look and tell me if I'm too picky?

My issues:
- Some of the tiles are chipped (average sized finger for scale)
- In the far areas (far corner and top edge) they're not cut off straight.
- You can see one that's glued with a lot of adhesive and that changed the line on the wall.
- In a corner they don't match the height.

I've seen a lot of comments around how the grout will fix things. Would that apply to me? Would these issues be less visible through grouting? We are looking at a light grout (silver/ light grey).


IMG_1852.JPG IMG_1851.JPG IMG_1850.JPG IMG_1849.JPG IMG_1848.JPG IMG_1847.JPG IMG_1846.JPG IMG_1845.JPG IMG_1844.JPG
No, we went with slightly above average from the 4 quotes we had (3/4)
Inform your tiler about your concerns, tell him that it is sub standard work and not acceptable given he is getting paid to do correctly. Give him a chance to rectify all the work you are not happy with at HIS expense i.e. Time and materials and see what he says, don't let him convince you everything will be ok once grouted and Silicon done.


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