It is better in a lot of way but the main down fall is when browsing the forum for an extended period of time... say I veiw a thread, I don't reply but intend too but first I want to have a quick read of another thread that has caught my eye, when I try to find the first thread (that I wanted to post to) by way of the 'New posts' button it has gone (this is what happened to me and that is why I worked out what it was doing and questioned it)
There are ways around it by using the quick links as you suggest, this gives the results I am use to and will be my new way of using the forum. As it will give me the results I want. The downside is it will not pick up threads 2 days old+ So if I don't log on for over a day I will have to use the 'new posts' button first, scan for anything interesting then revert back to 'Quick links'
Not much of a problem it's just getting use to a new system.
Vbulletin is I believe the biggest forum software out there so if their new versions are pushing this new search function then you have to trust they did the research on it and it is the prefered way of browsing and i'm in a minority.
I prefered the old system and i'll make the software do what works for me, but then I prefered TF being Blue and now I'm quite happy and would be shocked if it was anything other than Green:dizzy2: