Discuss new tilers, kneepads, wear them! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Dougs Third Go

Doug I'm really sorry to hear about this.i think we are about same age or you couple years younger.
ive been told a year ago that I have to either have left knee replaced or break to realign which must be similar op to yours I imagine.
mine is cartiledge and ligament lack of and damage .
i have put it off for a year and it's getting too much but I can't bear thought of maybe not being able to carry on in same capacity as I could before. But really I have probably made things worse by putting off and I know I have to make a decision now in next month .
i have to get done whether retire or not .
my decision is to grow my business and just run it and see what happens.
we just have to get on with what we've got but I am very worried and know exactly how you feel right now.
hope your decision works out.
exactly the same Johnny, exacerbated now by not wearing the pads.


Doug you must not beat yourself up about it.what's done is done.
i know a couple of tilers mid fifties who have never worn knee pads and they seem to be ok .
luck of the draw sometimes.
i know what you're thinking.
my knee is result of early teen ligament problem from sport and in those days even though I was going regularily to a children's hospital I never really got any help.
Ligaments just got looser and looser and because the pain was not there any more just left it and then went and took up tiling of all professions which is as crazy as you not wearing knee pads.
i am blaming myself now but it's done and people in positions like this just have try and keep going forward.
i tell you one thing I will and have been doing more of is floor restoration .
use my knowledge and get on the end of a vax or scrub machine and let a younger lad get down there.
there is good money in stone floor cleaning .just a thought .
plenty of people doing it but not many who really know what they are doing.


I used to play a lot of football. Then I got into the **** and alcoholic beverages.

I got talked into going back to footy at the ripe old age of 36, just about got through the training, then first match of the new season, after a blinding run, which resulted in a cracker of a goal by yours truly. I got chopped down by a kid half my age.......fractured knee/fluid on the knee. First of many trips to hospital.

2 years later, my cartlidge was removed. I was told then that not "IF" but when I get arthritis, that will be the first area I get it.

Other than the cold getting to that knee......I am getting away with it. "So Far"

52 this year, so it's all downhill. :(


I must of got away light but did no real sports at school now 57 nothing wrong with the knees...
I've just been connecting the fact very recently that most of the people I know who have knee problems now ,played a lot of sport or ran.
seems a bit unfair !!!
I was playing squash 7 days a week at school on top of other sports .another crazy decision with known ligament problems.
but we think we are invincible when young and keep thinking so till we start falling apart!!!

Dougs Third Go

I used to play a lot of football. Then I got into the **** and alcoholic beverages.

I got talked into going back to footy at the ripe old age of 36, just about got through the training, then first match of the new season, after a blinding run, which resulted in a cracker of a goal by yours truly. I got chopped down by a kid half my age.......fractured knee/fluid on the knee. First of many trips to hospital.

2 years later, my cartlidge was removed. I was told then that not "IF" but when I get arthritis, that will be the first area I get it.

Other than the cold getting to that knee......I am getting away with it. "So Far"

52 this year, so it's all downhill. :(
my onset started I believe when I was 12, done the 100m and heard a "ping" in my knee, collapsed and had to e helped back to changing room. My mum took me to doctors and he said it was growing pains, kept going whinging but just to be told same until I went when I was 21 with an unexplained lump on outer side of my knee,,had an artroscopy and found that my cartilage was completely torn through in 3 separate places and had been for a number of years due to the calcification, ie the lump. A year, to the week, I was playing rugby at Leeds and had the same but on the inside of my knee,,,I got whipped in rather sharpish for that one removed lol.

Old Mod

Doug I'm really sorry to hear about this.i think we are about same age or you couple years younger.
ive been told a year ago that I have to either have left knee replaced or break to realign which must be similar op to yours I imagine.
mine is cartiledge and ligament lack of and damage .
i have put it off for a year and it's getting too much but I can't bear thought of maybe not being able to carry on in same capacity as I could before. But really I have probably made things worse by putting off and I know I have to make a decision now in next month .
i have to get done whether retire or not .
my decision is to grow my business and just run it and see what happens.
we just have to get on with what we've got but I am very worried and know exactly how you feel right now.
hope your decision works out.
Just read the whole post! U too Jonny! Totally crap!
I Hope whatever decisions u have to make, go well for you!

John Benton

that Col, was my undoing, at 30+ I could still do the 100m in under 11 sec....nobody's invincible guys.

Was that a vertical drop that you could cover the distance in Doug? :sofahide:

Seriously, you need to think long and hard about your next move, is there any chance of you going into teaching Doug?

area tiling

Sorry to hear that Doug but your health , and the quality of it are far more important ! I know that I will be bothered with arthritis in later life , as I've had a few bad breaks of late whilst playing football , metal shin bone , screws etc and my knee cap was taken out and put back in etc ...., ! Would hate the thought of a new job , plus their ain't much work out their!


all the best Doug, my knees play me up, its not the being down, its the getting up that's hard, mine comes from years of tiling with wet screed and never wearing pads, in those days they dug into the back of the knee and were a real pain, i still hardly wear them, i do use a soft floor /garden mat to knell on but having to keep moving it is a headache. i have tried trousers with built in knee pads but as i'm short and on the cuddle size the pads are good for the shins only. I have cut down on my work load to save them a bit, . i remember a few years ago going to the doc with a left knee that i could hardly walk with without a stick , the doc said ' i have never seen such an old knee on a young man' i replied the right one is just as old why is that one ok,
anyway all the best for 2014

To all new tilers i echo Doug's warning '' wear the pads''
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