okay the long shot is I've had trouble with my left knee since early teenage years as a result of a mis-diagnosed sports injury. Now I'm 50 and with 6 ops behind me I'm not quite crippled but left with some hard decisions to make about my future. I was at hospital for an appointment with consultant yesterday and I knew it was serious when after looking at the x-ray he took off his glasses and asked if I had a good early retirement scheme in place...
he gave me 3 options..
1) retire now
2) have my knee and a few other bones broken to re-align my leg so it's not bearing weight on an arthiritic joint, this would make me bow legged and with only a 70% success rate, also if there was any arthritis in the joint behind my patella (kneecap) it wouldn't work, also it would mean 4 months off work.
3) carry on as long as I can.
there is a 4th option, changing jobs, not sure I can bring myself to do that though.
I know my arthritis is a direct result of my injury, but I asked the consultant if knee pads would have made a difference if I'd worn them earlier in my working life.
His reply was a resounding "YES!!", apparently in his estimation the arthritis would only be at 25% stage as what it is now.
On a lighter note, it is quite funny hearing an asian consultant say "Mr Boardley, in short, your knee is fecked"