Hi All
Both floors are joists. Under conservatory are 150 x 50mm joists at 300 mm centres with 18mm chipboard flooring on it. Not got the height to put anything thicker than 6mm ply on floor plus adhesive and tile thickness of 10mm. Thats a total extra height of 21mm which I don't have to play with.
How do you add photos
personally I don't like Toby carvery's, people take to much and a lot is wasted, but each to their own
You can photo's either to an album in your profile page or in post reply you can use the attachment feature..pics need to be no bigger than 2400 x 1200..
been away with my job but good wife has marine ply down and nailed at 3" centres lot of nails, she was not best pleased.
Anyway what is my next step.
do we lay all the tiles out in the pattern that we want with the gap that we want.
still don't know about this sealing of the tiles before laying, what is this about