I'm not sure id leave the job without payment to be fair. I'd just say look, payment required upon completion. Like with anything. I'll drive you the hole in the wall if you want.
Well if I can't trust an accountant and a lady that does a lot of work for charity then who can I trust!
I'm afraid technology is against us on this one. I, like most, accept bank xfer. I am at the mercy of the customer and gave them 3 days to pay. This customer went over by 1 day and had to be chased by email & phone.
Some customers don't think that I was in their home for 2 weeks and I paid out over £600 on materials. I have not been paid for 3 weeks and am actually £600 down.
What can I do to stop this happening in future?
Deposit, or money up front, or staged payments? We've talked about this before. However, on this occasion I am 100% sure I will be paid on Friday.