Nice Customers But They Are Driving Me Mad.

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And I haven't had any at all,ever!😉
When I'm nearing the end of a job I ask the customer how there going to pay....if it's a cheque and there not going to be there when I finish I ask them if they can leave it to save me coming back.......if it's bank transfer then I ask them when there going to do it and can they text when it's done so I can update my accounts....
Most of the time they say they will do the transfer that evening......and most of the time they don't which I must admit really bugs me....
I keep on the ball with money owing .....give some people an inch and they will take a mile......and the more money they got the less they like to part with it...
When I send out quotes one of my conditions is that 25% or the full cost of the materials be paid, which ever is the greatest, one week prior to commencement
For me that does two things, one it confirms next weeks work and secondly I don't shell out for materials!
After being bitten hard in 1991 for what was then a serious amount of cash,
even by today's standards, I do everything within my power not to get even close to that situation again.

Striking a rapport with my client is very important for me, this has won me many a project, apparently my enthusiasm shines through! 🙄
So one other little thing I quite often do if I get even an inkling that they're people who might be difficult payers,
or just for the fun of it sometimes haha,
is give them one of a few lines that I've developed over the years,
and as I apparently have a certain air about me, in the vein of don't f*** with me, (no idea where that comes from! 😛)
I might say anything from, it's ok I know where u live, don't worry I have extra keys now or tell them the story of the last client who didn't pay whose tiles I reclaimed one by one by way of a lump hammer!
(It's just a made up story, honest!😉)
Not had a problem being paid since 1991, must be my charm I spose! 😱
I always abide by the current legislation in place for services supplied in a consumers home. I have to keep abreast of changes in legislation as I am Trading Standards approved contractor under their Buy With Confidence scheme.
How many on here actually know what you can & can't insist from your customers and just how much trouble you can find yourself in by breaching this legislation!?
Driving a customer to the cashpoint is one perfect example!!!.......which can land you a stretch inside even if the consumer agrees to it (if you haven't honoured the cooling off period).

Some reading below if interested....


From 1 October 2015 The Supply of Goods and Services Act will be replaced by the Consumer Rights Act.

Any service contracts entered into before this date will still be governed by the Supply of Goods and Services Act

Cancelling building or decorating work - Citizens Advice
That's really good advice that.

Seems mostly to be about when work isn't complete or hasn't started. What's the info on when it has been completed? Might be worth me making a thread on it.
Info on consumer rights after work has commenced......a long read but into. This is why I have T&C's that are served on every customer on initial quotation and then again the day I commence work.....

Cancelling building or decorating work - Citizens Advice
That's the same page you linked to before and is more to do with cancelling during or before work has commenced.

I think once you have supplied your side of the contract fully, you're quite within your rights to expect full payment on completion and can start proceedings the moment its apparent that you're not being paid. Including removing materials not paid for.

(Anybody remember the guy who took the porch down live on the news a couple of years ago? And the other guy who ripped up half of a driveway around a parked car lol)
I quote with "payment is required upon time of completion, card and cash payments are accepted as payment" that's my terms and if a customer isn't happy to pay at the end then I'm not happy to do the work - I do offer bank transfer to a few people. If a tradesmen was to do work in my home then his or her payment would be ready for when they have finished.

I had a few headaches until I stated these terms for payment and since then everything's been fine, I and the customer both know the way it works so no awkwardness or delays.

I pay 2.7% on card transactions and 70% of my customers choose this method which have commented on how simple it makes things. I use PayPal Here if it's any interest to you to look into.


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