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Hi everyone, I realise theres a lot of cynisym out there towards new tilers of which I am one. I am 41 and recently got made redundant from S&N, I started of my tiling business 3 months ago and have spent close to £6000 setting up, I have bought a van and spent £1500 on tools alone. I went live with the business 1month ago after completing my course at NE tiling training which was very good I also did the natural stone course. I realise I have much to learn! The problem I have is i have only done two jobs for friends 1) a complete bathroom 2) a 20m2 kitchen floor, Both which i believe i did a very good job and i learnt so much from. I have advertised in the local paper and also the evening Chronicle which goes all over the north east and spent £270 on advertising all to no avail, not one enquiry! So i would like to know if this usual at this time year and will it pick up? Is the north east flooded with tilers now? Is anyone else having similiar problems? Feedback would be much appreciated, thankyou for your time.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Hi there.

There isn't jkust a flood of tilers up thre due to the location of the centre. There's a flood of tilers all over the UK due to the huge amount of training centres about these days.

You're clearly up to speed with your tiling and you are aware you'll still be learning after 10 years, as you do with any job, which is good to know.

I think the case of 'where and how to get business' comes in to play here. You're in a competitive market that's actually still growing. The Tile Association have not long published something which tells us that these days tiles are changed far more than they used t be, they used to be treated like a perminent fixture where you'd replace them only when you had to due to damage or whatever whereas these days due to the range, style and quality available at a better price people actually change their tiles as much as carpet now.

I think it's just a case of getting your business model different from those already in place to give the customers choices to choose between tilers rather than just price.

You have an added advantage over existing older tilers that might not be up to speed on the adhesives available these days and whatever, but on the same note they have the added advantage of existing customer passing on their name.

So really you're all in the same boat. If it is you've spent time and money on your business logistics but have't spent more than a phone call to your local newpapers etc, then maybe you need to invest in the advertising of your name a bit more. If you're getting quotes but none are turning into jobs then that's a different story. Maybe you need to invest time in getting your 'talk' right when you're quoting, maybe your technique of how you go about your quote or something.

I can understand the frusration of entering a whole new career path and so far it's looking not too positive but I can only chat about what you need to do it's still you that needs to do something about it.

We'll help where we can but we need to know what you feel is going wrong currently.
  • Are you getting quotes in, and calls at the very least?
  • When you're quoting are you covering the whole job in simple terms and making sure the customer knows why they need to choose you? (your skill, your knowledge, your current "offer" you have on, your access to cheaper tiles maybe or whatever that may be)
  • Are there more advertising avenues you can tackle?
  • Have you really just jumped in to the trade based on your need for the nice amount of cash an existing reputable tiler can make?
  • Have you tried contacting comapnies to mix your trades with theirs (plumbers, sparkys, chippys etc).
I've moved your thread to the professionals chat room which is hidden from regular members and have granted you access to it too. Have a look at some of the tpics discussed in there to help you out a bit but let us know more info about your case and we might be able to help you get more work in.

But the industry isn't to blame. Tilers are still needed.



I too completed North East Tiling arouind 4 weeks ago, I still work full time in my current job and im planning to do tiling jobs week nights and weekends, The week after i finished my course i went to topps tiles had a bit crack with the manager and asked if hed put my cards about. I honestly thought id never get a job as they have there favourite tilers on top of the counter, there was loads of other tilers cards below in a rack.

Within 4 days i got a call for a quote, went and priced up and i got the job, Customer told me i was the 3rd quote he had, mine was the middle quote £130 (which i never knew) someone else quoted £80 and £170.

Best advice i can give is get in with someone who can pass on the work to you, Ie tile shop (small independent) is far better, I saw an old pal of mine and told him i was doing tiling, he works in a small tile shop and said he would put work my way which i thought would never happen or would be slow. In the last 10 days ive got 3 quotes to do a 54m2 floor and two large bathrooms walls and floors all in granite.

To be honest the jobs are massive and if it keeps up im planning on going part time as i cant possibly manage both jobs and may have to let one or two of these jobs go.

Stick in bud you will get work it is out there.




Thankyou for your comprenhensive reply, Im actually not getting any quotes in so my sales pitch cant be the problem as im not getting through the front door! Im not looking to jump on the bandwagon. Im actually looking to do a decent job for a less than decent price just to try and astablish myself, my last job i did i made only £150 for a 20m2 floor! Im only human and i worry that the time effort and money ive invested will be wasted. your advice is much appreciated. I know im capable of doing a good job im also aware that at tmes i will have to seek advice from more experienced tilers, ive booked a bathroom installation course to add an extra string to my bow so hopefully i can offer a better service. maybe Im being impatient, but all i want to do is work for a living and pay the bills

Concept PHT

Also, phone around consrevatory / kitchen / bathroom companies and ask if they are sorted for tilers. You will be suprised how many say 'yes we are sorted', but then ask the question of how much you charge.

Slightly underprice yourself on these, as its the long term benefits you want from this, like permanent work without paying for advertising, customer recomendations and follow on work from the customer.

P.S Be careful about the bathroom installation course. Its good for a 1 for 1 swap of a suite, but thats about it. Like electrics, there is a hell of a lot of building regulations that need to be taken into account these days. And the hammer falls on the contractor if these are broken...

I would spend your money on doing a hand plastering course, then go to college and get the proper city and guilds plumbing qual. :)
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