Just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone for the assistance and encouragement.
The bathroom is back in full use now although we're still adding finishing touches and accessories and there's still some Silicon needs doing in places. This will probably be the final pictures.
I became known as the Midnight Plumber over the last few weeks by some of my buddies and one of them even made me a commemorative mug;
I do the lot but must admit it getting harder as I am the wrong side of 50 but still banging em in , a good set of knee pads is a must and the prep work is very important to the overall finish, a hot bath ,co - codamol and bed is how I carry on theory being the body repairs itself while you sleep. Cheers kop
Don't mind me while I bump up some older but good threads. If you can contribute to the thread, go ahead. But if it's nothing for you then don't reply and it'll soon drop off the What's New page etc.
Worth linking to our new forum structure while I'm doing stuff:-