Not Sure How You Guys Do This Every Day

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Apart from the fact I haven't seen separate valves like that used in a shower, why didn't you set them vertically to make your pipework easier?
I assume things are done differently over there!
With hindsight I should have brought the horizontal supply side pipework in lower and made the pipe across to the shower head higher then I could gone straight in and out of the taps. It would have been a lot easier but by the time I realised I didn't want to upset wifey with more dust by grinding again.

There's no particular reason I got separate valves, there's all sorts of shower mixer taps available and also fancy ones with thermostatic type mixing valves. Just figured simply separate valves would work fine and they're budget friendly.
I didn't get anything done in the bathroom today, I had a couple of urgent calls and had to go do some real work for customers.

Here's the tiling pics I wasn't going to post until I'd had a chance to tidy things up a bit.


I have another question please.

If you look at the gap in the metros in the second picture there's a gap with 2 tiles missing where there's an electrical conduit box in the wall.

How do I cut a 60mm round hole in the tiles to accomodate that? Unfortunately I don't have any fancy diamond cutters or anything like that, the closest I have might be a Dremmel tool or normal SDS drills etc.
I have another question please.

If you look at the gap in the metros in the second picture there's a gap with 2 tiles missing where there's an electrical conduit box in the wall.

How do I cut a 60mm round hole in the tiles to accomodate that? Unfortunately I don't have any fancy diamond cutters or anything like that, the closest I have might be a Dremmel tool or normal SDS drills etc.
Mark up a couple and take it to a tiler friend or colleague who would have the tools to do it
Have you got an angle grinder? A few diagonal cuts then tap it out with a hammer. If there's not a shroud going over it tidy it up with a tile file.
Unfortunately I don't have any tiler colleagues. I'll try the angle grinder method, the worst that can happen is it will cost me a tile.

There are similar tiling threads here

doug boardley


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