The image attatchments, we all like a zoom to see the nitty gritty, it doesn't seem possible now ? Only mega zoom ? Also it seems to open a general media gallery and before you know it your viewing some one else's photos
I'm getting annoying banner ads now which almost look like part of the threads.
They're easier to mentally ignore if they stand out, so these are starting to really do my head in now that I can't use adblock plus anymore 🙁
I'll take a look into the image situation there are loads of settings to do with those.
Ads: you're seeing one ad, it's just always below the newest post for you. I've set it so that if you click it, it goes for 8 hours. I'm still playing around with ads to find the happy medium between earning enough money to stay online and annoying visitors enough that they don't come back.
So we use lightbox for images in threads. Which is different to images in the gallery and different to adding an image as an attachment rather than directly in a post.
I can't replicate it in any of them I can zoom around all day. But I'm on my mobile using Chrome so perhaps you're using something different?
I think it might be down to how image is inserted Andy.
Unfortunately I can’t tell anymore how they’ll have been inserted. But you don’t need to click image to enlarge it. It only goes squiffy in light box it seems.
Just try enlarging without selecting image first.
I can tell you the image I just inserted in the tanking thread is a full image. I’ll add another one, but as a thumbnail, compare the two mate.