Congrats Oli
Hi Oli, have you prepared your speech yet? If not then use some of the useful points shown in the link below. If your wife can see that you are trying to help her in the years to come by offering these very useful tips then I am sure you will have a long and happy married life. If you incorporate them into your speech and read each one slowly and with measured delivery you will see your wife look at you with eyes of love and understanding, she will know that you are only thinking about her and her welfare. Ignore boo's from the older brigade, they are probably members of the Womens Institute and are jealous of your high regard of your wife. Taking notes from the Good housewifes guide of 1955 will be a godsend to both of you, especially you.
I particularly like point nine regarding listening to your husband as his problems are far more important than the wifes.
Cant wait till Liz reads this......................:8:
The Good Wife's Guide
See Liz, I knew you would like my advice :lol:
If one car has to go then thats fine, he can use that for work.
Plenty of buses "up Hanley Duck"
You could also get a little job to do in the evenings till say 8.30pm, nip home (on the bus because he needs a kip) prepare his tea and plump up the pillows for him.
You could, if you really love him, have a cleaning job that starts at 4.30am, that way you can get back for 7.00am to prepare his breakfast and warm up the car before he leaves for work, this will free up your day to clean the house and dig the garden before he comes home. He should contribute a little though by sending you a message 30 minutes, no an hour before to let you know he is on his way and then you can check your hair and apply a bit of lippy in order to greet him at the door with his slippers and a large whisky.
Any more advice then please contact me.
Dominic, the caring agony uncle.