Started a kitchen floor on Tuesday...thought it was an easy two day job. First thing was to rip up the old lino, which I thought would take 15 – 30 mins...HOW NIAIVE AM I???? Four hours later and the last bit comes up (because I forgot to take my steamer so had to clear it all with a small scraper). Couldn’t feel my hands and arms by the time the floor was ready to tile on to. From there it was plain sailing, got the main field done and a few cuts in too.
Went to leave home on Wednesday and the van wouldn’t start. By the time the AA had me mobile, I was and hour and a half late. Got there and did all the rest of the cuts and laid them by 1...enough time to plane off two doors and price another job up just round the corner, then back to grout / Silicon / get paid and go home.
Half way thru cutting off the bottom of one of the doors and it starts sleeting / hailing, so all tools, doors etc back indoors. Off to price up and when I get back, sun is out, so back to the doors. Finish the first when customer says “this one has an asbestos face to one side” so go get a mask and carry on. Because of the mask, every time I breathe, my glasses steam up and I cant see where I am cutting, what I am cutting or where I am. I try not breathing but thats not a very good idea, so I struggle on and eventually get it done. Now I think it is time to grout as three hours have gone by...but no, there is still a bit of movement so I need a change of plan.
Agree with Thursday’s customer to delay until Friday, so I can get van sorted, agree with this customer to finish Wednesday instead of Tuesday and head off to garage to fix the Scudo. I have a two mile walk home from garage, but the sun is out and its a nice evening for a walk...until half a mile or so in and the sleet / hail / rain starts up. Now, my coat is lovely and warm, waterproof, has a hood...and is a mile and a half away at home! My fleece however isn’t so waterproof and I quickly soak up all the water in and around what seems to be 5 meters of me. The stuff I am carrying home also starts to get the better of my arms which are now struggling from the previous days lino workout.
Eventually get home, soaked, cold, miserable. Think I will make someone laugh (at me) by posting this on TF...type it out and press a wrong button and it all disappears, cant get it back, so type it all again and press submit...”TF Website has encountered a problem”...all is lost again, so here goes third time lucky! (And if I broke TF...SORRY!!!)
Please tell me Thursday will be better??? At least Spurs won last night so that went a long way to helping!
Went to leave home on Wednesday and the van wouldn’t start. By the time the AA had me mobile, I was and hour and a half late. Got there and did all the rest of the cuts and laid them by 1...enough time to plane off two doors and price another job up just round the corner, then back to grout / Silicon / get paid and go home.
Half way thru cutting off the bottom of one of the doors and it starts sleeting / hailing, so all tools, doors etc back indoors. Off to price up and when I get back, sun is out, so back to the doors. Finish the first when customer says “this one has an asbestos face to one side” so go get a mask and carry on. Because of the mask, every time I breathe, my glasses steam up and I cant see where I am cutting, what I am cutting or where I am. I try not breathing but thats not a very good idea, so I struggle on and eventually get it done. Now I think it is time to grout as three hours have gone by...but no, there is still a bit of movement so I need a change of plan.
Agree with Thursday’s customer to delay until Friday, so I can get van sorted, agree with this customer to finish Wednesday instead of Tuesday and head off to garage to fix the Scudo. I have a two mile walk home from garage, but the sun is out and its a nice evening for a walk...until half a mile or so in and the sleet / hail / rain starts up. Now, my coat is lovely and warm, waterproof, has a hood...and is a mile and a half away at home! My fleece however isn’t so waterproof and I quickly soak up all the water in and around what seems to be 5 meters of me. The stuff I am carrying home also starts to get the better of my arms which are now struggling from the previous days lino workout.
Eventually get home, soaked, cold, miserable. Think I will make someone laugh (at me) by posting this on TF...type it out and press a wrong button and it all disappears, cant get it back, so type it all again and press submit...”TF Website has encountered a problem”...all is lost again, so here goes third time lucky! (And if I broke TF...SORRY!!!)
Please tell me Thursday will be better??? At least Spurs won last night so that went a long way to helping!
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