outside opinions please

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i contacted a solicitor,told them story so far showed them pictures etc of job as left

she replied to there solicitor with a damn good letter as they were claiming the entire cost of a bathroom at my expense?

i was advised by her 3 days ago they had received our letter and would be in touch nect week

however tonight i received a call from the builder who is now doing there job.....they asked him to call me as he said they dont want to go to court as the only winner will be the lawyer......and would i come and tile the bathroom once he had prepared it

i reminded him that i was asked to leave as they stated i was incompetent..to which he replied you are a damn good tiler jamie .....btw the builder was the guy from upstairses job i did initially and his tiler was a berk so i was brought in independantly

i asked what he proposed he said you can come and tile the bathroom for free and if you dont do it my client is going to blacken your name everywhere starting with the papers!

obviously i politely declined this nonsense much to his dissapointment

lol jesus does it get any ****ing better i mean where do these people come from

any opinions on this as i am absolutely dumfounded ,have never come across people like this as of yet
neither have i......i dont really know what to make of it one minute they are taking me to court and on my solicitors reply which basically says come ahead we are going to counter sue you they get the builder to call me and threaten me?
have just emailed her mate, its becoem clear to me that the builder has been the 3rd party in this...possibly ****ed off that he supplied the full team for a house refurb but his tiler wasnt brought in and i did it instead. looks like hes attempting to get his own back.....sad *******
There seems to be loads of this ****, going on at the moment with peeps just trying it on, i have just been robbed on a job and i'am now trying to fight back and get nearly £4000,owed it make me feel sick to my guts when people attempt to mug you, this is why i'am not surprised when peeps shot !!i now i just think yes but what **** did they do to get shot, bankers ......
i feel the same dave ive had a few choice customers lately who have been a bit odd whenit comes to paying.....last one paid in full but added a floor on the job halfway through the job which we obviously did for them.....then went missing for 2 weeks with no payment for the extras had to call them from a nother number to get an answer

these ones however i wish i had bodyswerved you just dont know thought they seemed nice people.....and was too deep involved to walk with no cash
i will happily go to court if thats what they want its nonsense though as we havent even started plastering or finsihed the boarding yet
I'd be telling them (and this is me personally, not intended as advice mate) "see you in court"
tell 'em to get ****ed over the receipts, what you paid for them is none of their concern, as long as you didn't take the **** by charging £100 for a bag of £15 addy you'll be fine. i'd be seeking damages from them in your reply via the solicitor
thats what i told the builder tonight mark...just said thats fine see you in court

they are trying every trick in the book to get out of the signed contract they have with me

the latest one seems to be that they have now obtained cheaper quotes than me??? dunno wtf that has to do with it the time to get numerous quotes and compare them is at the start not halfway through a job that you have made a million changes on


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