Paris Attacks.

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most of the people who in the past have blown themselves up have been born into the country they have decided to attack...
The first name found out was french born, what has that got to do with refugees,
ok here you go 800000 refugees unchecked more false passports than you can shake a stick at if only 1% want to cause harm thats 8000 so on a boat of 69 you had 1 known so far .who in weeks met up with a group of trained
killers .he probaly trained have billions of dollars of oil money how would you spend it .maybe you would send as many agents to the eu as possible and have the weapons waiting for them with the trained men to go with them .so all eu boarders with germany need to be sealed asap with visa only entry to the eu .the shengen
free movement will lead to the streets of the eu running with blood oh they already are .so the three wise monkeys of the eu carry on see no evil hear no evil talk no evil .so the kurds stand and fight every day there women to .i dont think we have many of them as refugees .just a bunch of gutless wonders .so many young men running away. thank god our grandparents had more courage .every man between the ages of 18 to 45 should be trained to fight and sent back long live putin
still doest change the fact that the guy known to police was french born,,, also the guy on the run is belgian ..
all you have done here is made up things,..
we cause these problems with meddling in other peoples affairs and bombing them,..
the fact that 6.5 million people have fled the country says alot more to me than just cowardness
still doest change the fact that the guy known to police was french born,,, also the guy on the run is belgian ..
all you have done here is made up things,..
we cause these problems with meddling in other peoples affairs and bombing them,..
the fact that 6.5 million people have fled the country says alot more to me than just cowardness
yes mass cowerdes .the kurds stand and fight .so were did the passport come from that has traveled throught the eu come from .who maid the suiside vest who surplied the guns were did the money come from were does the hate come from .this is a war between the suuni and shere hated each other for years and have many scores
to settle .all of there own making
Mass cowardness from 6million people. Really. Maybe just maybe they are leaving something that is incredibly awful. You have no idea,how utterly horrific it must be to uproot and leave everything behind. Where is your compassion.
Also it still doest change the fact as I have said that French born and Belgian born. That still has nothing to do with the refugee,s. 99.9% of the refugees are running away from this.
Regarding the money and arms they will all have came from the west.
If im honest dave , if you think 'we bomb them so we deserve what we get' Your a bit of a do gooder and should move in with isis and see how your attitude sits with them, your head would roll, in more ways than one.
Its just a excuse for them to hurt the west and anyone else against there values .
Do you think that these kind of muslims give a flying **** who we bomb? They kill there own not just us, they kill muslims the world over not just 'us', they kill kids as old and younger as my young daughter while there backs are turned what kind of religion or even person does this ?
Cowards thats who.
Im all for imagration, i have nothing against anyone (apart from elitist tradesmen 😉 ) a few good mates of mine are russian afgans muslims who i eat and drink with , great chaps who are totally against these knobs .
But they ,our government, need to and quickly monitor who is coming in , cos if you think all the imigrants are genuine refugees you are wrong, even a blind man with a blindfold on could see this
I am purely pointing to the facts so far that the terrorists have been born into there country they bombed. I never expressed any sympathy with Isis or any other organisation . I am definitely no a do-gooder as you say. I am pointing to the fact that you cant blame all refugees or Muslims for the acts of a few crazies... If someone is willing to blow themselves up and kill innocent people it is almost impossible to stop it happening.....
still doest change the fact that the guy known to police was french born,,, also the guy on the run is belgian ..
all you have done here is made up things,..
we cause these problems with meddling in other peoples affairs and bombing them,..
the fact that 6.5 million people have fled the country says alot more to me than just cowardness
One of the terrorist came into Belgium with the refugees on a false passport. ..

And not all Muslim's are terrorist. ......but all terrorist are Muslims. .


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