PC under attack

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i've got visions of dom in desperation hitting his pc with a crow bar and looking into the pc seeing if he can see the 'little bleeders'...:lol:

i'm not laughin at you, i'm laughin with you..:thumbsup: its as tho you've got gremlins in there :lol:
You are not far wrong Ed, I have a very heavy Jemmy bar that would look very nice smashed through this screen. I would love to meet the four eyed, spotty nerd that sent it to me.............The jemmy would find a much softer place to live........:incazzato:
will this do??
I feel for you Dom. My PC contracted a very similar virus back in October and it was December before I managed to fully clean it. There's no way that I trust it online anymore and only use it to recover document info now.

I've no idea how I eventually "cleaned" it but it did involve restoring the factory original OS and then installing a lot of service pack updates.

I now use a MacBook. I have a Mac OSX virus checker but seeing as Mac OSX viruses are so far and few I feel a lot safer and happier.

You may need to go offline and eliminate all temp and offline files using "Safe Mode". Then run a virus check whilst offline and quarantine all the dodgy files that it throws up. If you get any infected dll or exe files make a note of the filenames and check them out at Microsoft.com before deleting, as they could be useful files and completely screw your PC up.

I hope you get it sorted soon mate.
Good luck.
This has highlighted a big problem, virus / trojan / malware attacks are getting more and more frequent, we should all take heed of this thread, I for one consider myself pc savy but contracted a virus a while back that was a biatch, ended up formatting my pc, just in case. If your using the same pc / laptop for business and pleasure then it could be costly if not impossible to get clean.

One way around this is to back up your files, this could be just personal files or the whole OS and anything else, you can schedule this to happen overnight, nightly backups will ensure that you always have a clean copy to back up from if the worst happens, all you lose is 1 days worth of activity.

There are quiet a few programs that do this, and considering the potential for loss, makes good sense.

Stable, horse, bolted. I know, but I thought it worth mentioning.

And no, I don't YET, will look at setting this up tomorrow though, just not worth the risk.
I seem to have this all covered now so thanks for the help.

Just a quick question, if someone has an email address that I want to contact or if I see a "contact us" button on a website and I click on it nothing happens, it used to take my straight to yahoo and my email account with their details already in the address bar, I get a message saying something about a default? what is it and how do I correct it?



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