Phone isn't ringing

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Well not had a call for over a week now for a quote. Posted tons of leaflets, advertised in the local papers, telephoned kitchen and bathroom companies (all already have fitters. Worried to death at the moment, don't get a call soon i am screwed 🙁
Misstiler how much does it cost to put yourself on there? Had a look but cannot find anything about costs.
P.S phone rang twice just after i wrote the post 🙂

Great to hear you got a couple of calls.
It doesnt cost anything to register onto ratedtradesman. You get charged when you quote on a job. The cost varies depending on the job but the average seems to be around £11 or so. Theres usually a maximum of 3 quotes wanted for each job.

Good luck

I did a job last week that went well, and i ended up doing a quote for their neighbour. I Ive quoted on a couple of others.
It gets the ball rolling.
Penno, being self employed, whatever your trade/profession, there will always be times when the phone doesn't ring. It an get dishearteneing I know but all you can do is put in the effort to market yourself, or organise your business administration or even do practise pieces in the garage or something.

I took up tiling to suppliment the "quiet periods" that I thought my accounting business was going through. Started my marketing, contacting suppliers and the like, when all of a sudden in July, I have continuous phone calls for accounting, lots of new business that had been generated by previous marketing work. Currently over run with the stuff and it is intefering with my tiling.

Be strong, if you are good enough in business (first) then tiling , things will happen.

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very true grumpy do have weeks where the phones not as busy as others but it will pick up..the xmas rush will happen soon...has already started with me.........dave..
Well think me getting all sorry for myself and posting on here has worked. 4 calls today after i wrote this post so well happy. One of the calls is from a bloke who who i tiled an en suite for a few weeks back. Wants me to do his kitchen walls, worktop to ceiling and also his floor, nice big kitchen aswell 🙂 **** myself at first when he phoned, thought he was going to say something like the tiles have fell off in the en suite 🙂


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