Discuss plaster..... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


nope never plasterd... the main thing I was worried about was the board not being solid but its turned out it has set and is rock hard... can I go 10mm deep with any plaster and wont have it crack in a weeks time?

This is a ceiling right? Surely the boards are screw fixed. I am completely confused (again) but what you've posted. I don't think i could create a 10mm lip with 9.5mm board if i tried.

Mr T

nah not a troll... what I did was made some cuts to fit in between the beams and stuck them on the back side of the ceiling with dry wall adhesive to create a surrounding edge then butterd the first plaster board I fitted as well as fixing with screws to strengthen it.... don't know if its the correct way to do it but it worked fine in the end... the reason theres a lip is due to not cutting out enough of the damaged ceiling... basically one part of the ceiling is still bowed out a little due to the water damage but the board itself is solid its not an outer lip it goes inwards.

Mr T

I know matey and thinkin about it last night I have realised im jumping the gun with the tiling... I will be keeping my head down and just learning what I can from this site for the time being... any questions that seem out of the ordinary is basically me thinking up a scenario that I mite fall upon in the future and want to know the best things to think/say.. im not trying to 'troll' or waste anybodies time... im simply learning in the way I know best to... thanks


If you are genuine then please at least get educated. Not meaning to sound nasty, horrible or anything at all. But i don't think you have anywhere near the experience or knowledge to run a business. Please look into college, an aprenticeship or something along those lines and learn. I really don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, it takes a particular type of person to be a tiler in my opinion. It's not for everybody.

By all means choose it as a career and set paths and goals. But take your time. You'll save a lot of people, including yourself a lot of money and heartache.

Mr T

mate ive called the guy im workin with and hes got a another small job on so i cant go with him next week.... first thing Monday I will be looking into setting up a course of some sort because im not gonna be able to be consistant doing what im doing and ive realised im not gonna learn the proper way and I want to be a pro at it and tiling is for me tbh ive had a taste of it and want to carry on..... and yes ive realised its gonna take longer than a few months now and i will be taking my time and ive got the right path to go once im ready to start looking into a business... but im just not there yet... I used to be a mod on a similar v bulletin forum but about music not tiling.... I really cant see how your getting the impression im a troll as ive already explained im a novice d.i.yer im no pro nor am i gonna waste my time askin all these questions am I im not a sad case and all a mod has to do is see if someone with the same i.p address as me has ever signed up to this site before and there you would find the answer... that's how I used to catch them out as u cant change your i.p...


You're more than welcome on this forum mate and you will learn a lot, some people just seem to have got the impression that you aren't serious about becoming a pro tiler. Some of your questions are about very basic things, that's not a bad thing but, you need to know the basics before you even consider charging for your services. A course coupled with some time spent with a time served tiler is the ideal scenario and what you should be aiming for. I like your enthusiasm and respect you for that but, enthusiasm alone is not going to make you a good tiler. By the way, what is your name? If we know who you are we can guide you through the learning process and get to know you.


Mr Tiler please trust me Im not trying to put you down. I love the fact that you're enthusiastic. It's great that you know what you want to do and are determined to get there. But much like the work you will do in the future in peoples homes, take your time. Rushing anything is how mistakes are made. Bit over looking something, not thinking or not knowing.
You'll get there and how good you are when you get there will be determined by not only your attitude to the job but the process and steps you take. You will not learn it over night and you won't learn by theory alone, it's a hands on job which is why i think the best thing for you to do is look at some kind of course. Which in your current employment situation and age you can get funded.

Mr T

me names ash.. I understand mate and I realise ive rushed into this thinkin about the Wonga lol.... im just gonna take it slow now and see where it goes I will stick with the one lad who thought it be a good idea to help me and I cant thank him enough but im also gonna start looking into some sort of course and real training I will be staying on this site as I feel ive already learned a few things just reading through old posts! and theres a few thousand to go through lol sound


Back to the origional post....can we see a pic? i have done many plastering repairs. these can be more difficult than plastering a full ceiling..

Most of the time they may as well pay a bit more and do it right, you can usually see a patch a mile off unless you have spent ages on it, sanding ect, by which point you may as well do the whole darn thing

Reply to plaster..... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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