Pva Versus Primers | Always Use A Primer When Tiling, And Not Pva

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Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

I've stuck this thread again due to the amount of people using the term PVA instead of Primer just recently. I hope you all use Primer and NOT PVA!
Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

I've read numerous discussions on the use of PVA on these forums during the relatively short time I've been a member. Let me get something straight; When you say PVA, do you mean polyvinyl acetate?

If so...

WHY would ANYONE think using wood glue as a primer is a good idea?

I'm really curious about that.

Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

I think you need to wait for a response from the plasterers on here for that sWe.
Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

That's exactly the point. A training centre has even been quoted using the term during a course too I believe before now. It's just not a done thing in my eyes no matter what is says on the bag of adhesive (I think in that case in the training centres defense the lesser quality adhesive brand actually did quote it on some literature - bless them).

Never PVA though. Always a non water soluble priming agent.
Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

many decorators coat new plaster in the stuff to seal

Only the bad ones do! PVA has hardly any decorating usage, except as a size before wallpapering and adding to wallpaper paste when the paper is a real pig and wont absorb the paste. Its no good for painting on as it prevents the paint adhering to the surface properly. PVA should be left to the plasterers, even heard recently of some bloke who was told to mix PVa into his paint to help it stick - madness! And I only use primers when tiling you will be glad to hear :thumbsup:
Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

Few seem to bother actually reading the instructions and specs supplied by the manufacturers of the products they use. I wonder why it's like that.

It ticks me off.
Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

Few seem to bother actually reading the instructions and specs supplied by the manufacturers of the products they use. I wonder why it's like that.

It ticks me off.

I got into this argument a short while ago and don't realy want to go there again but there are several manufacturers out there that require PVA.
That is why i stated in an earlier thread always read the recomendations.
being a plasterer by trade and using pva on a daily basis i would say that if you do not mix it with enough water aprox 4-1 IT WILL PEEL OF LIKE A BIT OF RUBBER.
i would like to say that when i tile i seal the surface with sbr not like i stated in an earlier thread PVA, I class the two as the same even though they are not it is just a figure of speech, when we say unibond it we mean seal,bond ,prime and so on.
down here some of the customers won't pay for the good stuff like BAL and therefore got to use what the give you [to an extent] i try to advise but they hold the purse strings so as long as i follow the reqs it will be gauranteed by the manufacterer.
Re: P.v.a. Versus Primers......

Cant believe so many people out there, did'nt known that you cant use pva, inplace of primer. It was one of the first things my P.T.S course taught us.
But like they say you learn something new everyday. I known i do. :yawn:


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