So... are we helping the bodgers or just the ones that really want to do a good job..
I don't know Dave, probably both!
So... are we helping the bodgers or just the ones that really want to do a good job..
So... are we helping the bodgers or just the ones that really want to do a good job..
where are they buying there tiles .a good tile shop always has good tilers to recomend. yes sometimes cost. sometimes cant wait for the recommended person. sometimes did it myself but tell every one had a bad builder .sometimes builders saveing a few quid .sometimes just bad spec
a tile shop that recomends a poor tilers is on a one way street to closing for goodWhilst this is a old sentiment in practice it is not always in the tile shops interests to Recomend a "good" tiler. Dont forget they are probably just as desperate for orders as everyone else so recommending a cheap tiler is sometimes going to be more in their interests as they are more likely to win an order. Short termist approach I know but an entirely human response to very difficult times i am sad to say.