Quotes - I never hear anything back!

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Dave you do it every time for me - sitting here laughing my head off.... what would I do without you! I'm sure Raja didn't mean to "not notice" that tiny piece of information but thankyou for pointing it out. Just one other thing..... a lot of ppl on here give some very good advice but I find the information you put on here very informative so just wanna say thanks.
Dave you do it every time for me - sitting here laughing my head off.... what would I do without you! I'm sure Raja didn't mean to "not notice" that tiny piece of information but thankyou for pointing it out. Just one other thing..... a lot of ppl on here give some very good advice but I find the information you put on here very informative so just wanna say thanks.

lol sorry Sibs just registered In the old database what he meant

Am always here for a nice looking lady to advice:lol: am not always this slow on the uptake
Why thank you sibs......don't worry about raja....he has forgot what a woman is...:lol: ..its been a long time for him...................
Why thank you sibs......don't worry about raja....he has forgot what a woman is...:lol: ..its been a long time for him...................

Dave y did u remove ur beautiful pic off profile but can understand the new 1 is very apt telford not far for me to go and take sibs out for a posh fish and chips wud take 5 mins on bike
calm down raja...count to 10...i know its a female but just take deep breaths...you will be fine.....remember breath in.....breath out......and calm...calm...:lol:
lol...Is cool Raja... I was just tickled because it seems that its all Dave ever does is point out the fact that I am a WOMAN :lol: but no offence taken... with anyone who hasn't realised until now :lol: You are a great bunch of guys (and girls!)
Its a very nice bike Raja!
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Sibs being a conasour of fine wines and women i dont usually miss details like that but as u said Dangerous Dave is always about :mad2:
to let the world know my situation on the ladies front
Hi sibs.

I think a lot of people go through phases where they find it near impossible to get any work in from quotes\estimates, so I wouldn't feel too down about it.

You might have just got a few customers that still have a hangup on trade women, and might not think a woman could do such a job for some strange reason.

As the others have said, calling people back up to find out whats going on is always a good thing to do, as if they are not going to use you for any reason then their probably never going to call you again anyway for anything else down the line, so even if they feel put out having to talk to you and say why they don't want you to do the job isn't going to cost you.

Chin up as they say and keep smiling :thumbsup:
Yes think I'm gonna deff start ringing ppl I haven't heard from.... I haven't done this before because I don't want to appear pushy but as you say fekin its not gonna cost me to find out why.
Hey Raja seems you and me like the same things :thumbsup: :grin:
It's getting tougher up here in Bonnie Scotland with quotes. Guy's are coming off the course's and charging £10 m2. Find it hard to cope with that but a few off the customers complaining about their work now in the tile shop as tiles falling off & grout cracking. Laying a kitchen floor at the moment and customer really pleased with it and said i should charge more,(just remember the tip then:yes: ) but did 4 quotes last week and got just 1. Normally would expect 2-3 outta 4. When i phoned back said they had got some1 alot cheaper so you might have to drop your prices slightly Sibs. At least till you get established. Good luck.


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