Quotes - I never hear anything back!

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Dave i just wanted to say publically that i love u ***
hey raja there's a lot of loving going on this site for dave! his head will be getting too big & he wont be able to get down to expo!:lol:

hey sibs keep in there, we're quoting the same rates! (not far from you remember)
its the cowboys down the next street to us thats causing us to lose work! but then they call us to put it right!!!!:lol: :lol: good luck!:yes:
Right on Clays!..... thanks for the imput mate... Can't imagine how they can do it for £10 a sqm thats just outrageous! I feel very sorry for you saltire.
Hey Raja... and beer too! :8:

I dont know about how other people quote and whether they get the sale there and then or not. I always get the job when I am there and if they say "oh we'll get back to you" then I know I will not get it, I have never ever gotten one of them jobs, and imo they are the people who just want the cheapest price so they wont be paying me to do any work for them.

If it's a referal then dont mention price, they want you to do the job because of your rep so dont offer a price unless they ask, and then just say oh I usually charge £150 a day so this will take about 3 days so your looking at £400-450.

If it's a quote from a call then,

How I do it briefly is to offer lots of advice, listen to what they say and if they dont have tiles yet then offer them your discount, always offer your own adhesive, say i can get it cheaper than you so i can pass that saving on to you. Offer suggestions and always say confidently that whatever they want to do is no problem at all, say (no matter what the job is) that it would be great to do a nice floor or a nice bathroom for a change so that they feel like you care about their job, this alone will win some people over to you.

If you state your price and they dont book you in then if you want the job and have room to lower your price then lower it, but you must say it in a way that they think you are doing them a favour. say well i can always come to an arrangement it all depends on how you want to pay, say do you need an invoice for it?

If they say no which rarely a residential cust does, then say, well if you pay cash I can do it for x amount, needs to be aroud 25% less imo. This is usually enough to get the job.

Please note i am not saying that you dont put it through your business as normal, you do an invoice they just dont see it. You still pay your tax e.t.c, they just think that you are doing them a deal, but you are just lowering your margin. Obviously you only do this if you need the work.

goodluck and regards
sibs you should start marketing yourself as a female tiler im sure their is plenty of other single females, old people ect who would rather have a women in their house working than a man. turn what may seem a negative into a possitive by leaving cards in hair salons,beauty salons ect
sibs...what you and every tiler who quotes is to realise is this...the customer needs a tiler, but they don't need you, you have to sell yourself to them and make them...not need you, but want you.
try and aim for a market that would be more at ease with a female tiler, the elderly, single women, etc, i believe you have the advantage over us males simply by being female...use it..Mark
I've got to be honest that I did'nt realise that sib's was a female, just a tiler and have answer'd any question's in that opinion but agree with the above.
I have an ad that states I am a female tradesperson so got that covered and on my business cards too but great suggestion about hair salons etc. I will take on board everything said about my pricing/selling myself etc.... some great bits of advice
I agree with what strongboes posted.
I try and nail a deal there and than and have it in the diary. If it isnt and is left with them to get beck to me then i consider it a lost job. Very seldom do they get back to me!
Alot of chaps & girls are very thorough on here and post written quotes to clients as they do their final quotes at home. However, someone else may have been in nailed the deal there and then.
Most of my work is through recommendation, either private or from my tile shop, hense they want me to do it and i genuinely think i am the only one quoting for most of it. I listen and advise as much as possible, look for problems (small issues) the client might want to think about, skirting removal, door trimming, carpet to tile trim type etc etc
So what do you do when they say they're getting 2 or 3 quotes? I can't see how I can "nail it there and then " when they more often than not they say that to me. Are you saying you go in there with your tape measure and calculator and work out the sq. meterage work out a price and give it to them there and then?
Do you take a price list for materials?


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