Well i mentioned in an earlier post that i had 13 bathrooms to price today, well it turns out that it wasn't 13, it was actually 23. Also it's not just bathrooms it's bathroom, wc room and kitchen. I asked them how many quotes they would be getting in and they said just mine and the job was mine if the price was right. Agreed on a price of 1157 per unit and it's 5 days for each one so i am now booked up for 30 weeks!! They also said there would be another 20 of various configurations to do after these. So i'm a little chuffed tonight!
Sibs hang in there, dont over complicate things which i think you are doing, I wouldn't put clauses in residential jobs personally. Over a 6 month period it will all balance itself out, you'll get one that you barely break even on and you'll get others where you clear £300+ a day. Try quoting your price there and then and try and seal the deal. Trust me don't worry about pricing wrongly, you have to price jobs wrong or you wont learn. You dont learn from the ones you quote well for, you learn from the ones you price wrongly and end up spending more time than you wanted. Thats when something clicks and you know you wont make that mistake again!
Good luck