Quotes - I never hear anything back!

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Very good point that, being tidy. Another good thing to do along the same lines, is to warn the customer(s) to wear shoes when they're moving through the work area, so that they don't get stray shards from nipping or some such in their feet. Lil' ol' ladies espcially, appreciate being "watched out for" a bit.
Indeed its not like site work where you can just turn up get working & leave again, You have to make sure the custermer is happy & stays happy the whole time. Custermer is always right too.
Indeed its not like site work where you can just turn up get working & leave again, You have to make sure the custermer is happy & stays happy the whole time. Custermer is always right too.

I disagree on the last part 🙂 Though I'm happy to suggest things to the customer(s),I leave aesthetic descisions to them, but if he or she asks me to do something which isn't technically sound, I'd say no. I can't compromise quality just because of a customer's whims.
I disagree on the last part 🙂 Though I'm happy to suggest things to the customer(s),I leave aesthetic descisions to them, but if he or she asks me to do something which isn't technically sound, I'd say no. I can't compromise quality just because of a customer's whims.

misunderstanding didn't mean the custemer is always right about how you should go about tiling and product use, just generally some customers like to feel like they are right
Thanks guys.
I know nothing about interior design lol.....
I always feel that I am polite and curteous - I always spend time talking things through with the customer and explaining about the adhesives that I use and advising them on the best course of action etc. I am only ever there as long as I need to be and I would never dream of not clearing up after myself after every days work and I have plenty of dust sheets so got all those bases covered.
I was reading a halifax survey the other day and it said that around 70% of people would rather have a male tradesperson in.
I am assuming that this is because people don't have enought faith in womens ability to do the job which to me is ludicrous! What a topsy turvey world we live in!
Thanks guys.

I was reading a halifax survey the other day and it said that around 70% of people would rather have a male tradesperson in.

Yep its an odd world we live in, people will still judge others on stereotypes & first impressions. I've had customers blatently look me up and down when i've gone to price up jobs, maybe to check out my style of clothing to see what stereotypical bracket they can place me in?

Hopefully there is enough people out there that can see that you being a women has nothing to do with your ability to tile, & also some that would prefer a women for the opposite reason to those that would prefer a male tradesman??
mate ring em to see if they have gone ahead with someone else or still thinking about it, i do if i dont hear anything.

Just say im doing an admin day and going through old quotes to cross of list or similar.

Or say your getting really busy and just wanted to let em know if they did want it your availability has changed since you quoted and didnt want them to lose out.

If they went with someone else ask why, price, availability or something else. Im sure they wouldnt mind and good to know why.

Kep smiling matey, can be hard to start. Was and still is for me sometimes!!!
excellent advise, lets them know you're in demand - so follows you must be good.
It's getting tougher up here in Bonnie Scotland with quotes. Guy's are coming off the course's and charging £10 m2. Find it hard to cope with that but a few off the customers complaining about their work now in the tile shop as tiles falling off & grout cracking. Laying a kitchen floor at the moment and customer really pleased with it and said i should charge more,(just remember the tip then:yes: ) but did 4 quotes last week and got just 1. Normally would expect 2-3 outta 4. When i phoned back said they had got some1 alot cheaper so you might have to drop your prices slightly Sibs. At least till you get established. Good luck.
and the other three will be wishing they'd gone with you when the end product is not up to standard!
Right on Clays!..... thanks for the imput mate... Can't imagine how they can do it for £10 a sqm thats just outrageous! I feel very sorry for you saltire.
Hey Raja... and beer too! :8:
can't imagine how anyone can quote £10 m2, and make a profit? oh, yes i can..............they cut corners and use inferior materials. :lol: stick in there with your prices, quality will out and you'll get work soon enough.
Thanks plumbersmate
Think I will start emphasising to ppl the fact that with me they will get a quality job . I must admit I worry a lot sometimes about being able to put my money where my mouth is and deliver the goods but I think this is just nearves because I am a newbie. I will always strive to do a good job and I know that once I have a couple of jobs under my belt I will feel a lot better. With my training and all the stuff I have read on here I know I have a good knowledge base and I am always doing research etc so that I can increase my knowledge and be confident about what I am doing. I am a bit concerned that I have no port folio to show anyone as yet although I like the idea of buying some plasterboard and a few cheap tiles so might do that and practice some patterns or something.
I was beginning to fret a little over a few that hadn't got back to me, but one of them now has , and that was going rates, and another 2 I priced up have also gone for it, again at proper prices. The last guy asked me to justify the price, so just explained there are people who'd do it for half my price, but it was his gamble and that their materials would be cheap crap, etc etc etc. Told him I'd leave him to think it over (without being cocky mind) and he wanted to book it in straight away.
I'm in a similar boat as a relative newbie too, but know that things will pick up and as long as the customer is happy, then word of mouth and repeat business is a definate.
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