MW Smith Ceramics
Yes I know it's gonna be a right mare!.....but she is having none of cleaning it up and using grout recover as she wants an epoxy ......just gotta find a perfect tool that can do it in good time that any of you guys have actually tried and tested............tiles are 200x250 ceramic.......it was only done 2 yrs ago and it's really bad, mould everywhere....., they have extractor fan and keep the window open, the tiling isn't the best so I reckon cheap grout mastic has been used here....DOH!Ceramic/porcelain tiles? Then clean the grout and the tiles with an acid based cleaner and a toothbrush. Then use a grout colorant with a toothbrush.
You will deffo scribe your tiles if you try de grouting a 2mm grout line.
Also, how big/small are your tiles?