Mate get yourself a decent laser
And wooden battens
The rubi battens are absolute
Tile tracker is just a gimmick
Tile whatever way suits you
If you prefer battens use battens
If you prefer to tile off a line do it that way
Screw battens into gyproc or masonry nails into brick
It really is that simple,if you can leave a finish the way you are doing it why do you want to waste money on bits of metal?
I'm getting the dewalt dw088k in a few weeks. The reason why I'm wanting a rubi or tile tracker is that most of the work I'm getting now is in old Irish houses or cottages made with stone and plastered over and when I bang a masonry nail in, its bouncing off or when I do eventually get them in, most times it ain't in properly. Its a pain in the hole most times. A y new houses I do, masonry nails go in not a problem and I get a true level all around the room with my battens but different story altogether in these older houses. 🙁