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Schlüter-BEKOTEC is a floating or heated screed system for producing thin, lightweight, permanent flooring assemblies that are free from cracks. The basis for this system is the Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN, a studded polystyrene screed panel which is placed over any common sound and/or heat-insulating layer or directly over the load-bearing sub strate.

The cross-section of Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN reveals a minimum screed thickness of 32 mm between the studs and 8 mm above the studs. Four studs on each of the panels feature hemispheric high points, which act as screeding guides for gauging screed thickness.

The studs form a grid pattern, with a distance of 75 mm between studs to accept hydronic heating tubes 10 mm to 18 mm in diameter if a heating screed is to be installed.

Since the screed mass to be heated is relatively small, the floor heating can be well regulated and operated at a low temperature range. Shrinkage during the curing process is neutralised through microfine cracks, which form around the studs in the screed, eliminating deformation caused by shrinkage. Therefore, no movement joints are required in the screed.

As soon as the BEKOTEC screed can be walked upon, the Schlüter-DITRA uncoupling membrane is adhered. Using the thin-bed method, ceramic tile or stone can be set directly over the membrane.

Movement joints within the surface covering are created with Schlüter-DILEX, in accordance with general industry guidelines.Surface coverings not sensitive to cracking, such as parquet or carpet, can be placed directly over the screed as soon as the residual moisture has reached an appropriate level.


Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN, -ENR, -BRS, and -BTS do not rot and require no special maintenance. Before and during the application of the screed, the studded polystyrene must be protected in a suitable manner, (i.e., running boards should be used to protect against mechanical damage).

  1. Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN is installed over an even and sufficiently load-bearing substrate. First, place a suitable insulating layer, which meets the required heat- and sound-insulating codes, and cover with a sheet of polythene (PE). Over existing conduit or piping, DIN 18560 Part 2 requires that the sound insulation be placed over the entire surface, above the levelling layer. If the construction height does not permit a Polystyrol or mineral wool insulating layer, the use of the 5 mm thick Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BTS enhances impact-sound attenuation significantly.
  2. At the perimeter, where the covering meets walls or fixtures, place Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BRS 810, the 8 mm thick perimeter strip. The perimeter strip features an integrated foil that must be carried over the separating layer covering the insulation. If a poured screed is to be applied, the Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BRS 808KF edging strip with adhesive leg is used. The edging strip is attached to the wall using the adhesive strip on its reverse side. By placing the screed panel onto the selfadhesive foam leg, back-flow of the screed is avoided.
  3. The studded panel, Schlüter-BEKOTEC-EN, is cut to fit accurately at the edge area. Use of the special edge board, Schlüter-BEKOTEC-ENR 1520P (see page 4), minimises waste and simplifies cutting. The BEKOTEC panels are equipped with a mortise and tenontype edge design for interconnection.
  4. To produce radiant heated floors, suitable heating pipes (with diameters between 10 mm and 18 mm can be clamped between the cut-back studs. The distance between the pipes is chosen according to the desired heat output.
  5. Fill the studded panel with screed (minimum density classification ZE 20) or poured anhydride screed (AE 20) in such a way that the hemispheric high points of the panel are covered. This will ensure minimum screed coverage of 8 mm above the studs. If levelling is required, the screed thickness can be increased up to 25 mm.The screed is cut at the doorsill to prevent sound bridges. For floor coverings not using Schlüter-DITRA, please contact Schlüter-Systems with regard to height of screed above the stud.
  6. As soon as the screed can be walked upon, the Schlüter-DITRA uncoupling membrane can be applied (see product information and installation instructions, 6.1). Anhydride liquid screeds can be laid as soon as they have sufficient load support capacity (no residual humidity readings).
  7. On top of Schlüter-DITRA, ceramic tile or stone coverings can be installed immediately using the thin-bed method. The surface covering on top of Schlüter-DITRA is divided into fields with movement joints, according to current industry standards and norms. With respect to movement joints, please refer to Schlüter-DILEX-BWB, -BWS, or -KS (see product information, 4.6 - 4.8).
  8. Install the Schlüter-DILEX-EK corner profile (see product information, 4.14) as a fl exible perimeter joint at the floor/wall transition. The protruding sections of Schlüter-BEKOTEC-BRS should first be trimmed.
  9. When using the Schlüter-BEKOTEC for radiant heating, the completed floor covering can be heated after 7 days. Starting with 25 °C, increase the Intake temperature by a maximum of 5 °C per day, until the desired working temperature is reached.
  10. Flooring materials which are unlikely to crack (e.g. parquet, carpet or sythetics), can be applied directly onto the BEKOTEC screed without using Schlüter-DITRA. In addition to the specific installation instructions, the allowable residual moisture for the selected covering must be observed.

Watch this installation video.....


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