Sigma Setup

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I have a Sigma also that cuts upto 900mm and find it an excellent bit of kit, that being said it has not been without a few issues. Here's what I have found: sometimes it is possible to actually overscore the tile and maybe creating/finding a weak spot in the tile and so causing it to break at an un-wanted point, try and use a lighter score on certain tiles.
Adjusting the bar helps if struggling to cut certain tiles or if they are breaking at the incorrect point, have a play about with it using a few offcuts and see what works.
Practice practice practice!!! after years of using a Rubi it felt very strange then using the sigma and i'd say it took me a good few jobs to get used to it and learn its limitations, strengths weaknesses.
Tiles with a rough/textured surface can be awkward to cut using this type of cutter as the score is not going to be consistant along the tile so assess if the tile can actually be cut this way.
Finally, there has been 2 occasions when the porcelain tiles I was supplied wth just would not cut correctly on the sigma, most likely because they were cheap foreign rubbish that has been overbaked and too brittle. If this happens, get the trusty dewalt 2400 out and impress everyone! :handok:

stick with it mate, I have never regretted switching to my Sigma!
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