You could learn all that in a week at college 😉
how are you going to bring him out of his shell ?Tiling certainly ain't rocket science but i think you have to be good with your hands as a prerequisite! Some people are more academically gifted and some are just rubbish with there hands. I thought about this recently about passing on what i know to someone, i would pick that person very wisely though! I have a person in mind, the guy in question is quite down on his life and drifts from dead end job to another dead end job, he is very shy too. I think however that he could be a good tiler though and he is a good person... Who knows, maybe i will test the water with him!
no tiling is not rocket science ,but neither is it just about sticking tiles on in mrs jones,s bathroom or putting a few tiles in between peoples kitchen units,you make it sound so simple but what about the big jobs where a lot of folk wouldnt know where to start, i served a six year apprenticeship for my trade,its not just about being good with your hands im sorry:rant:
you know what Neale you are on to a good idea there ,seriously . you could contact some of the training centres and offer onsite experience for their graduates and charge them a fee , there would be a percentage of trainees who would pay for the experience of working with a bonafide experienced tiler for a week