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I am being inundated with spam, all the same thing, they offer loads of money etc etc. I always just delete them without reading but they have gone crazy over the last month or so, every time I check my email I have at least 10/15 of them. Can they be stopped?

My hotmail account gets about 30 emails a day all in chinese. This started about a month ago. I always get the odd email on my other accounts for Viagra etc.. i just have a spam filter. They still arrive but go into the delete box.
I still have to delete from Hotmail but i think you can set windows mail to auto delete. I dont have mine set that way because sometimes wanted mail will be picked up as spam.
There is an ever increasing amount of spam these days, what with various details being passed around different companies, it's getting easier for your email address to be picked up. There are a few options, Google mail will allow you to import your mail into it and has it's own spam filter, there are a few good paid for options, spam doctor is one I've used, a few freebies as well, I'm using the gmail option myself, as SR says though, sometimes the odd email is classed as spam, which goes straigt into the spam folder, you can still view and re-classify as not spam, with Gmail / Googlemail you get a huge inbox ( about 10 gig now IIRC ) so there's no need to delete often, you can sift through the spam as and when you like.
I have quite a few email address all for different uses, anybody/company/website I don't know I give them an email address that i've purely set up to recieve spam
you can get a guerrila mail account which is active long enough for you to recieve confirmation mails and respond and then closes

next time you get a different address

like the others i go through my spam file to get items that shouldnt be there
Sorry guys I couldn't resist posting this :lol:

[ame=""]YouTube - Monty Python - Spam[/ame]

I second what Alan said about Gmail...I've been using it for about two years now and it has greatly reduced the amount of junk that ends up in my inbox.:thumbsup:
I get 4 or 5 every day, usually purporting to be from banks. Needless to say they are ALL phishing scams. Today I got one purporting to be from the overpayments section of HMRC. I know for certain that Her Maj never communicates in this way but just in case anyone is in any doubt, never never never ever ever ever ever open an e-mail from HMRC, its a scam.


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